11-29-2010 06:14 PM
Hello. I am trying to create a nested loop structure for the front panel of vi for HP 4140B pico ammeter. The algorithm is as follows
Initialize Va limit
time step
select wavefrom type
time delay
0 to Va
Va to 0
0 to -Va
-Va to 0
collate data
print graph and save to a text file.
Now the instrument does not have multiple sweeps either it is ramp up or ram down , staircase up or staircase down or D.C. So either through loops I can do it or trigger the D.C at various levels with conditions and counters and colate the data.
Any advise on how to implemet it. I am using the library which I downloaded from the ni.com. Links to multiple loops examples will be very helpful.
12-01-2010 09:19 AM
Hi Karan,
Is the VI you posted what you have done so far? You should consider using a state machine structure for each ramp up and ramp down.
State Machine:
Hope this helps!