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OneWire Implementation on Digital Pattern Editor



I am doing a custom onewire implementation where the bitstream logic 1 and 0 is expressed by changing the pulse width within a fixed bit period as shown below (kindly disregard trise and tfall for now)





If the DUT reads "vhigh" level at time = tread (3us) then it reads a "1" (the red waveform), otherwise if it reads "vlow" then "0" (blue waveform).


Using the Digital Pattern Editor, I was able to create a timing waveform for both the logic "1" and "0" and those show up fine when probed with an oscilloscope.


My questions are:

  1. How do I simplify sending long bitstreams using the Digital Pattern Editor? For example, if I have to send one byte of data = 0xA3, I have to define each bit on the *.digipat file with the timeset for either logic 1 or 0.
    It looks like below:

    But what if I want to sweep the byte value from 0x00 to 0xFF?
    Do I have to create a pattern file that will explicitly define each bit's time set? 

  2. What I would like to do is:

    1. Define a variable, say, "byte_to_send" and assign a value to it.
    2. Create an expression or function within the Digital Pattern Editor that will assign the correct time set for each bit depending on its value.
    3. Assign a new value for byte_to_send and loop 2.1 to 2.2.
  3. Or perhaps there's a better way to implement the intended steps above?


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Message 1 of 5

Do you happen to be familiar with Source and Capture waveforms of 657x?


If you're not, you need to take up training sessions from NI.


The way I would approach this is,

  1. Create a digital pattern that uses source waveforms to support writing N-bytes to the device
  2. In the test program, write an array of 0x00 to 0xFF to the source waveform and burst the pattern
  3. Now, I can reuse the same pattern to write just any data (write to source waveform, burst the pattern)
Soliton Technologies

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Thanks for the suggestion.


I have no issues generating the sweep pattern of any byte length.

But I do have trouble assigning the time set for each bit of the pattern I send, because the pulse width for logic "0" is different for logic "1".


Step 3 on your suggestion seem to indicate usage of a single time set (i.e. fixed pulse width). Or maybe I'm missing something?





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Message 3 of 5

Yeah, I am suggesting to create a few vectors that can generically represent a bit in OneWire data and just loop over them to a byte and then N-byte.


If you boil down your timing rules of a bit, you can make the common portions constant and only the different portions as source waveform.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 4 of 5

Hi! Thanks for the suggestion.


Ultimately, I figured that Digital Pattern Editor logic states is level based, not time (pulse width) based as is the case for OneWire.


What worked is to create two timings -- one for logic '1' and another for logic '0'. Both logic states have the same bit period, but differing duty cycle %.


To send each byte, I use a call function to call whatever byte sequence I need. Each possible byte (all 2^8 combinations) is hard-coded with the two timings. 


Kind regards.

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