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Specialty Digital Configuration option not showing (NI9411)



I have an issue with LV 2023 Q3, that the Specialty Digital Configuration menu option for digital input cards is not showing.

This issue only appears in LV 2023, in LV 2019 it works as expected.

The required toolkits (RealTime & NI-RIO) are installed for both versions.

The hardware I use is a NI9411 in an cRIO-9067, however this does not seem to relate to the issue I'm having, since the option doesn't show in examples as well (see screenshots).

Did they move this configuration option somewhere else in LV2023, or is there another option to set the digital inputs of the NI9411 as counters in my LV2023 project?




Thanks for your help





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Felix,


I am facing the same issue with the NI 9401 module when using LabVIEW 2024 Q3. Hoping someone from NI responds on this soon.




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Message 2 of 4

Hi Anubhav,


since I run my cRIO in FPGA Hybrid Mode anyway, I just added some code to detect rising edges and output the frequency.

This seems to be a fairly easy workaround.

Maybe this helps you as well.


However I hate waiting for FPGA Code to compile, so this is still not my preferred solution.




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Message 3 of 4



I also found out that in LabVIEW 2024 Q1 32bit, the specialty digital configuration is visible. But in the 64bit version, it is not available. I am not sure if that is just a bug or an actual issue with LabVIEW. For now, I have shifted to using the 32bit version and I hope someone from NI addresses this discrepancy soon.



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