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Static and pulse I/O with NI-9401


I'm working on my first project and I need to use a cDAQ-9189 with one (or more) NI module that allows to have:

8 digital output (1 must be used to generate a pulse train and the other ones must be static)

16 digital input (1 must be used to measure frequency of a pulse train and the other ones must be static)

I prefer 0 to 5V signal level, but I could use also something different.

What could be the best choice? 

I have seen the NI-9401 but has less channels, and the NI-9403 but it seems that can't mange pulse train generation or measuration.

Or maybe the NI-9375?


Thank you


Best regards



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Message 1 of 9

cDAQ Module Support for Accessing On-board Counters provides a list of modules that support pulse train generation and measurement.

You can choose one depending on your budget, voltage range, channel count and rate.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 9

I choose to use the NI-9401 and configure 4 ouputs and 4 inputs. Is it possible to have 3 static inputs and 1 input for measuring the frequency of a square wave (so the input is associated to a counter of the cDAQ)? Thank you

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Message 3 of 9

And also for the outputs, is it possible to have 3 static outputs and 1 output for pulse train generation? Thanks

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Message 4 of 9

Just tested using simulated cDAQ and NI-9401. You can use 3 DI + 1 CI + 3 DO + 1 CO in a single NI-9401.

Make sure you are setting the input and output in the set of 4 channels. Reference: Configuring the NI 9401 for Simultaneous Input/Output

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 5 of 9

For example, I want to have an output to generate pulse train. I have seen that when I go inside NI MAX in Test Panels>>Counter I/O and select "Mode" = Pulse Train Generation, the number of PFI in "Pulse Terminal" can not be modified and depends on the counter selected in "Channel Name". It works in this way? I ask because instead inside my Labview project I can select any PFI with any counter (I include an image to explain). I still haven't the cDAQ with NI modules so I can't try what really happens.


And before of doing this, I read that I have to configure the nibble of pins used as inputs and the other nibble for outputs, but I can't find how to do it.

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Message 6 of 9

the number of PFI in "Pulse Terminal" can not be modified and depends on the counter selected in "Channel Name".

NI MAX provides limited support. Use DAQmx API to access the full flexibility.


And before of doing this, I read that I have to configure the nibble of pins used as inputs and the other nibble for outputs, but I can't find how to do it.

It is provided in the Configuring the NI 9401 for Simultaneous Input/Output I mentioned previously. Did you open and read the KB?

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 7 of 9

I did not explain myself very well maybe on this: "the number of PFI in "Pulse Terminal" can not be modified and depends on the counter selected in "Channel Name".


I meant that when I select a specific counter, in "Pulse Terminal" is selected a specific PFI that can't be modified, but now I suppose I can do it inside Labview through some instruction.

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Message 8 of 9

@V.Life wrote:

I did not explain myself very well maybe on this: "the number of PFI in "Pulse Terminal" can not be modified and depends on the counter selected in "Channel Name".


I meant that when I select a specific counter, in "Pulse Terminal" is selected a specific PFI that can't be modified, but now I suppose I can do it inside Labview through some instruction.

Yes, you cannot modify it in NI MAX.

And yes, you can specify a different PFI terminal using CO.Pulse.Term property node.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 9 of 9