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Synchronizing PXIe-5162 digitizer to capture pattern burst from PXIe-6570 pattern instrument

I have tried different approaches to initiate the PXIe-5162 digitizer to wait for the first rising edge in a pattern burst from the pattern instrument using edge triggering.  The pattern provides an enable signal to the DUT so that I can measure the turn-on time for the oscillator output of the DUT.    The pattern properly bursts as captured on a separate bench oscilloscope for verification. Also, the digitizer settings work when applying a free-running function generator signal.   


I have also tried exporting a start trigger from the pattern instrument prior to bursting the pattern but the list of output terminals for exporting only include PXI_Trig0-PXI_Trig7.  The digitizer does not appear to receive the trigger pulse on any of these trigger lines.  Most examples of synchronization in the example finder only cover synchronizing scopes with other scopes or synchronizing multiple pattern instruments when they mention independent instruments.


I would appreciate any assistance in the proper way to have the digitizer capture the output of the pattern instrument,

Thank you





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If your 6570 and 5162 are in different buses on the PXIe chassis, the triggers will not reach.


For example from a 18-slot chassis,



If you export trigger from PXIe-6570 in slot 2 to PXI_TRIG0, then only instruments placed in slot up to 6 will be able to directly get the trigger on PXI_TRIG0.






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