11-29-2006 10:36 AM
11-30-2006 09:01 PM
12-03-2006 05:22 PM
12-03-2006 09:18 PM
12-04-2006 06:16 PM - edited 12-04-2006 06:16 PM
Message Edited by J^T on 12-04-2006 06:19 PM
12-04-2006 06:39 PM
12-04-2006 08:36 PM
02-10-2009 10:13 AM
Is there anything new about this?
I cannot get the NI-DAQmx Base to work on Linux. The readDigPort example in nidaqmxbase/examples/dio always returns weird values (0xBF89EE18, 0xBFC7B9E8, 0xBFC15188, 0xBFA67FD8, 0xBF888DF8, ...). They do this even if the device is not connected to the PC ...
But even if it worked, I would not want to use it, because my program should be as independent and light-weight as possible, and it doesn't make any sense to use a library that together with its dependencies is more than 60M (!) big, when the same thing would be doable in a few KBs/lines of code using libusb, if only the protocol specs were made available.
03-10-2009 10:33 AM
OK, so I sat down and analyzed the protocol LabView uses to communicate with the device, and wrote a simple driver: http://www.ai3.uni-bayreuth.de/members/schuetz/niusb6501/
I hope it is useful for some people.
03-10-2009 11:40 AM
Super!! Thank you!
Danke vielmals!