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USB6501 MAX Timed Out While Waiting for a Driver



I want to use labview to control my USB6501 and make automatic long-time measurement. However, once a while, labview would fail to recognize the USB6501 and report error code-200220. The block diagram I use to control it is illustrated as the picture below.




I have observed that, when this happen

(1) NI device monitor display "No NI Devices Detected" while USB6501 is properly connected to my PC.

(2) When I click "Devices and Interfaces" section of NI MAX, a warning shows up and says "MAX timed out while waiting on a driver".

(3) If I plug another USB6501 now, the new device is not recognized as well.

(4) This problem can be solved by reboot my PC but it will eventually appear again after several hours or days without reboot.


I need the device to work stably and continuously for days without reboot so I am looking for any solution to solve this issue.


Some mehtods I have tried but fail include

(1) Double confirm all my USB6501 are functioning properly on a PC that just reboot. Also confirm the USB port of my PC is working properly.

(2) Follow this threads and reset MAX configuration data but it can still occur.

(3) Follow NI's trouble shooting page step by step but none would work. I have also confirmed that my driver version and operating system are compatible.

(4) Reduce frequency of command to once per 10 second but it still occurs. Actaully this issue can also appear after I leave my PC on idle for days, so it doesn't seem to be strongly related to command line or labview control.

(5) Disable Windows 10 USB power saving mode but doesn't solve this issue.

(6) Repair DAQmx and VISA driver.


Below is a list of my driver version

PC  -  Windows 10 22H2

NI MAX  -  version 21.5

DAQmx  -  version 21.8

VISA  -  version 21.0

Labview  -  version 21.0


Thank you for your time. I would appreciate any comment and suggested solution.




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Message 1 of 3

For the USB Power Saving, are you referring to the USB selective suspend settings?

USB Device Disconnects and Reconnects Periodically on Windows PC

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 3

Hi ZYOng,


Yes, I mean USB selective suspend settings. I have disabled this function to keep USB always connected but unfortunately MAX can still lose USB6501 sometimes.



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