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agilent 34401A 2W resistance mesurement and logging

Hi all,
I have tried using ni4060 but it is not fast enough for my application. so i wanna make resistance meauserement as fast as possible and as accurate as possible. i need to log the data then. i   have installed the drivers of the 34401A and i can see the icon on the inst. drivers list in labview 7. so do you have any example code (C or labview) of this kind of  application? all i wanna do is measurement of the change of resistance almost realtime and log it. the range of the resistance is between 1Kohm to 20M ohm more or less. please help me. thank you very much...
p.s there is such kind of application on the excel add on of agilent but it takes 1 sample per second. so it is so slow for my needs. it is OK if you know how to acquire data faster using this program. or if there is a brilliant idea fits my needs you are welcome also 😛
azga the cat
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9
The simple answer to your question is to look at the functions palette for the HP 34401A, and open the Getting Started example VI or the HP34401A App. Example VI.  You should be able to reconfigure this VI to take resistance measurements as you wish.
The HP34401A, at least according to the data sheet, should allow you to get up to 1000 S/s when configuring it for 4.5 digit precision.  However the range that you are needing (20Mohms) may effect whether or not you can achieve that rate.  I would recommend that you configure your measurement to take a number of samples and then transfer a buffer of data to optomize performance.
Hopefully this helps!
Logan S.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
Thank you very much for your help. i tried to use that vi but i had the error in the attachment. so why i get this error? i couldnt find a solution. this vi is just what i look for so if you help me about solving the problem i will be so happy.. just check out the vi and the error picture on the attachment...
many thanks
azga the cat
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9
and the vi is this one in the attachment
azga the cat
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9
Hmmmm...  How are you connecting to your instrument?  Serial or GPIB?  What is the address of your device?  What address are you using?  If all cables are securely connected, and you have verified that the address of the device is the same one you are using in software, then we should go into Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) and see what we can do there. 

Once in MAX, if you are communicating via serial, right click the serial port you are using and choose to "Open VISA Session".  There should be a Basic IO tab.  Use that to do Writes and Reads.

If you are using GPIB, first select your GPIB interface, then scan for instruments.  If your device is connected correctly, and is SCPI compliant, the scan should find your device.  You can then right click on the device listing and choose to "Communicate with Device" and do queries, reads, and writes. 

Once you have been successful in communicating with your device, verify that the name of the device in MAX (ASRLx::INSTR or GPIBx::y::INSTR) is the same name that is being used in LabVIEW. 

Hopefully this helps.  Good luck!

Logan S.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Hi! I have RS232 connection and the connection is OK. just  as i understand there is a communication problem. I have run MAX and saw the Basic IO tab. in the zip file you can see what i see in the tabs. there is a returning error code. exactly i do not know how to configure the connection. shall i write a C code or what? I am using visa for the first time and do not know so much about it. thank you for your help..
i have the connection as follows:
baud rate: 9600
size :8
handshake: dtr/dsr
port: COM2

azga the cat
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9
Hi! I have RS232 connection and the connection is OK. just  as i understand there is a communication problem. I have run MAX and saw the Basic IO tab. in the zip file you can see what i see in the tabs. there is a returning error code. exactly i do not know how to configure the connection. shall i write a C code or what? I am using visa for the first time and do not know so much about it. thank you for your help..
i have the connection as follows:
baud rate: 9600
size :8
handshake: dtr/dsr
port: COM2

azga the cat
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
So it looks like you are able to write data successfully, but not able to read it back (for now, let's not worry about the assert trigger tab). What order did you perform these in? Did you read first and then write, or the opposite? Do you still see this error when you write then read? After writing, do you try to read back data multiple times?

Let's also step back just a bit. Are you sure that you can both write and read on the specified port? As we are not having much success right now, let's verify this with a loopback test. I'm going to past a link below to a good tutorial on how to do a loop back test. Please follow the steps and let me know whether or not you are successful. If your port and your cable are in good shape, then we can move forward.

Logan S.

How to Do a Serial Loopback Test
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

short remarque:

your rs232 setting with 9600 baud might be too slow to read your HP with maximum speed Smiley Surprised


Greetings from Germany

LV since v3.1

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'˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

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Message 9 of 9