Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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many long time to have first AC Volt answer with pci 4060

Good morning
I'am Dr. Ferrari Michael by TechnoSoft
I have a problem using pci 4060 for acquiring AC Voltage date, because to have first answer i must wait 4 or 5 second
and this time isn't good for my client
What can i do ? Can mil me an VI Example to resolve this problem?
Thank for collaboration.
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Message 1 of 3
Goodday Dr Michael,
I had a similiar problem.  I came to the understanding that the 4060 needs some time to "warm up" so the first acquisition takes a few seconds and subsequent acquistions will happen much faster.  The work around I used was to do a "dummy" acqusition at the very first of the program, then when it came time, the measurements went smoothly.  I don't think there is anyway to get around the first slow acquistion. 
Hope this helps,
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Message 2 of 3

Thank for Help, but

I have found a very simple solutions, in which we have a very fast first and the following acquisitions.

For this solution use the niDMM Propery Note and the Property -> Trigger -> Trigger Delay in this command you can specifies length of time the DMMwaits after it receives the trigger and before it takes a measurment. The valid range is 0.0 - 12.0 seconds, but if you insert the "standard VI"for single VAC Acquisition in which insert this command, and a delay time of 0.1 second, in a while loop whit a wait (milli seconds) command, you have a very very good result.

Thank for all

Message 3 of 3