Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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niDMM configuration question

I am trying to use niSwitch and niDMM to aquire signal voltage measurements on 8 channels of an SCXI 1128 module. I can use the niSwitch and niDMM soft panels to check each of the 8 channels individually and I measure the proper 2Vdc input. However in my vi I obviously do not have something configured right because I am reading a very low voltage of around 1.1 mV per channel. I need help setting up niDMM configuration for multiple point measurements. Can anyone offer suggestions? Thanks!
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Message 1 of 3
There are several good shipping examples in LabVIEW of using a DMM and switch on conjunction together. Depending on your version of LabVIEW, search for the examples "niSwitch DMM Switch" and "niSwitch DMM Switch Synchronous," which you can find searching for "dmm" in the LabVIEW example finder. These will use multipoint configuration and measurements, as well as coordinating the Switch with the DMM.
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Message 2 of 3

I have the similar needs to log several channels together. After I check with the examples, I think the definition of multipoint here is to take several sample at one time (the same signal/channels). Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. As far as I can understand, those example will give output a group of points (depend of sample count we input) one at a time for an item in scan list. So the pattern will be: scan multiple point  of item 1 in list, show result, move to item 2 then take multiple point and show result, and it is repeated

What I would like to do is to have only one measurement at one time but and then plotting them according to their signals (to log each channel in one column, and the same thing goes for the rest of channels).

Thank you in advance.

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Message 3 of 3