Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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range configuration in PXI -4060

we are using a PXI-4060 DMM card and we are able
to measure the values,  but we are facing a
problem regarding the range selection, when
we choose the auto range, things are working fine
even with the manual selection too, except for
the measurement of DC current.
As per the catalouge the ranges can be selected
between 200mA,20mA and 10A
the problem starts when we choose the 10A range
niDMM Configure gives a error out state
"parameter 3 not in Range",
it works fine when using the other 2 modes(200mA[0.02],20mA[0.2])
and it works with -1 autorange to.
when passed 10 for 10A range to niDMM Configure Measuremnt
theres an error
can any one who has worked on PXI-6040 tell me what to pass
"niDMM Configure" in the range parameter for
10A in DC Curren measurement

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Message 1 of 2
Hello Rags,
I would like to note that if you need to use the NI 4060 for DC current measurements above 200mA, then you would need a shunt (Accessory CSM-10A) This is a 10 A shunt that is required to be able to perform DC current measurements with the DMM. If you look at the first page of the datasheet of the DMM, the last sentence of the Measuring Current section states, "For measuring currents between 200mA and 10A, use the CSM-10A accessory." Please let me know if you have further questions about this issue.
Ayman K
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