Discovering and Imaging the Device

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No roboRio targets found

To prepare the robot we're following a step by step guide made by first in Michigan. When we imaged the SD the first time everything went fine and we were abled to image the rio using the imaging tool. When we started working on the radio we were having problems connecting to it. We went back to see if there was an error with the rio. When going back to the imaging tool we were unable to connect to the rio even though the power light was green and the status light was off. We tried typing variations of the team number but still nothing was showing up. We also tried to resetting the rio and reimaging the SD but still nothing. We're thinking maybe we put in the wrong team number, if so could we reset?

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Message 1 of 8

Hi Aiafirst, Thanks for posting on the forums. I'm Matthew with NI.


When you re-image the SD card, it will be a completely fresh image (with no team number set).


Which imaging software are you using (Raspberry Pi or BalenaEtcher)? (


With a freshly imaged SD card, and the roboRIO connected via USB, are you able to ping and get a response? 


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Message 2 of 8

To image the SD we used BalenaEtcher.


Trying to ping it with a re-imaged the SD card and the roboRIO connected via USB the response is 

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:.
Reply from TTL expired in transit.

Reply from TTL expired in transit.

Reply from TTL expired in transit.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),

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Message 3 of 8

Ok, so no ping indicates so your computer is failing to establish communications with the roboRIO (for any any of a number of reasons).


Just to be absolutely certain that the device is not functioning, can you try imaging an SD card with the Raspbery Pi imager and see if the device will connect with that SD card inserted?

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Message 4 of 8

Reimaged with the Raspbery Pi imager and still nothing showing up

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Message 5 of 8

I've sent an email to the address listed on your profile on next steps.

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Message 6 of 8

Hello, it sounds like our team is having the same exact problem and we can't find the answer. Is there anyway you can relay the solution if you guys found it? You can reply here or send it to our email Thank you!

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Message 7 of 8

@Topsail_Robotics_Team , please post a new thread for your issue. "me too" posts cause confusion for which teams have tried what specific steps.

Also: if your trying to connect via ethernet, (if you're not) try connecting to the roboRIO via USB as the networking modes change throughout use and may or may not work directly anymore.

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Message 8 of 8