Discovering and Imaging the Device

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RoboRIO v1 Not Imaging

I am attempting to image a RoboRIO V1, but every time I try to image it, it errors with the message of "Corrupt Firmware."  I have tried everything that the imager suggested as solutions, and I have gotten nowhere with tech support.  I have been told that I need to purchase tech support, and/or that tech support can not assist FRC teams.  According to some older forum posts, there is a tech support number for FIRST teams, which I have not been able to find, and that there is a special version of the Firmware that can be loaded onto a USB drive and plugged into the RIO to flash a special firmware, and that has fixed the exact problem that I am describing, but as I mentioned, I have gotten nowhere with the NI Support and have not been able to find the FIRST support number.  I have tried using different computers, tried safe mode, disabling firewalls, made sure I was running as admin, and I have also tried updating the firmware.  If someone can send me the link to the special firmware or the FIRST specific phone number or email, that would be greatly appreciated.


FRC Team 2531 RoboHawks







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Message 1 of 8

The current support system for FRC is the forums you're posting on.  If you're seeing any current references to the phone number, please point me to them so I'm able to work with whomever to get them removed.  There won't be a FIRST support number and support will point you towards these forums.


The USB drive you're referencing isn't any special firmware.  It's just an installer that re-installs the factory setup onto the controller.  After doing that, you'd need to update the firmware to a supported version for the current competition and image the roboRIO.  I sent you a PM with instructions to try that tool.


Sorry for all the confusion =( 

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Message 2 of 8



I am a mentor with FRC 178.  We have two roboRio V1's with similar issues to the previous post from Alaric
from FRC Team 2531 RoboHawks.  Let's call the first one RR1.  It is from 2016--2017.  It stopped being able to receive code and says corrupt firmware at competition.  We tried safe mode, checked name of local hard drive for weird character.  The competition technicians tried as well and told  us that it was bad and wrote won't hold code NG on it in sharpie.  It also sounds like something has broke off inside it when you shake it.


The second one (RR2) is actually one that NI sent is a replacement for another roboRio V1 that had similar issues this past fall.  The replacement now won't hold code, says it has corrupt firmware, etc.  We tried safe mode and the rest and no success.  We'd like RR1 replaced for sure.  We will try the factory reset tool on RR2 if you think we should.

Please advise.

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Message 3 of 8

Would appreciate a reply when possible

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Message 4 of 8

Two notes, (a) please post a new thread to prevent confusion between the two posts, (b), I would recommend deleting your post with your email in it, as this is a public forum.


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Message 5 of 8

I'd echo that.  Having multiple issues within a thread leads to confusion (and also sends extra notifications to the original poster).  Let's get you going in a thread of your own.


I'm going to report your other post to mods to get your email deleted from public view 😃


I sent you a message with the recovery utility.  I'd want to try this on both.  I'd also encourage you to not have event staff writing on your devices.  That seems, strange.  Did they try any steps other than the safe mode you had mentioned?


The first step I'd take for any noise is removing the case and cleaning the board.

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Message 6 of 8



I have the very same problem as described and would appreciate it if you could provide me with the instruction on how to re-install the factory setup onto the roboRIO  v1. 


Thank you!

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Message 7 of 8

@regisb , please post a new thread with your specific issue.

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Message 8 of 8