03-14-2024 03:34 PM
We are trying to format our RoboRIO 1 to the new FRC image for 2024. The Imaging Tool currently says our RoboRIO has firmware version 23.5.0f149
When we try to image it with FRC_roboRIO_2024_v2.2.zip, it fails with the following:
Error -2147220323 occurred at nisyscfg.lvlib:Format 5.3.vi:2890001
Possible reason(s): NI System Configuration: Operation timed out.
Complete call chain:
nisyscfg.lvlib:Format 5.3.vi:2890001
RoboRIOImagingTool.lvlib:Reconfig Device.vi
Status: corrupt firmware, cannot run.
So we tried updating the firmware and got another failure.
Error -2147220323 occurred at nisyscfg.lvlib:Restart.vi:1680001
Possible reason(s): NI System Configuration: Operation timed out.
Complete call chain:
RoboRIOImagingTool.lvlib:Config Settings.vi
RoboRIOImagingTool.lvlib:Reconfig Device.vi
We have tried to run as administrator, tried 3 different laptops with many different usb cables, tried updating through NI MAX, all to no prevail. Any help would be great!
03-18-2024 08:26 AM
Hi Thomas,
My name is Esteban from NI Technical Support,
Could you try a factory reset of the device using the recovery file provided in this document FRC roboRIO STATUS LED Constantly Flashing - NI?