Discovering and Imaging the Device

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Roborio2 problems with imaging

The roboRIO2 will not image properly. In our attempts we used Balena Etcher to flash the micro SD card. It did flash. But there are some problems. We used different micro SDs including the one it came with and it we has problems when it was put in the roboRIO Imaging Tool. Similarly, we tried using Raspberry Pi imager with different micro SDs. It did flash; however, it would not appear in the roboRIO Imaging Tool. We would select the "Edit Startup Settings" like the guide says to do. We would also put our team member number in. But in the roboRio targets, it would say "No roboRio targets found". The file we used to flash came from the SD button file in the roboRio Imaging Tool named, "". We never reformated the micro SD because it says it will mess it up in the guide. We are unsure where to go from here. Please let us know the best course of action. Website tutorial:

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Message 1 of 4

Thanks for using the NI forums and describing the different things you have tried already.


After you properly imaged the SD card using Balena Etcher or the Raspberry Pi imager, how does the roboRIO behave after you reinsert the card? Does the STATUS LED light up after powering on and then turn off after some seconds? Does it remain off?


If the STATUS LED is off and Power is green, when you connect the roboRIO by USB to your computer, you don't see it in the roboRIO Imaging Tool for you to change the team number? Can you ping and get a response? Have you tried allowing the roboRIO Imaging Tool through the Windows firewall?



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Message 2 of 4


After turning the roboRio2 on, the power light is green. On the status light it turns red immediately and after about ten seconds, it turn off. Also, our RSL light turns on, but we don't think that would have anything to do with it. We still checked and followed the steps on the reply we got. And neither of those things were the problem. The pinging worked and the fire wall allows the imaging tool to work.


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Message 3 of 4

Thanks for the follow-up!


The behavior you describe makes me think the device is working properly (Power LED green, STATUS LED off and ping working for the USB port).


If the imaging tool still can't recognize the roboRIO, I wonder if there is something else in the computer impeding the communication of the imaging tool with the device. Maybe another antivirus program running in the computer? If another teammate has a computer you can test with, I recommend that approach, too.



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Message 4 of 4