Distributed Control & Automation Framework (DCAF)

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dcaf temperature example 375003 json format error

Hello NI.


I have been working with dcaf trying to get the Temperature controller example to work.  So far I have gotten the error 375003 about a json conversion not being utf8.  Not sure what to do about this. I downloaded the code from the tools network and have not made any changes.


Maybe something I am doing is causing it.

LabVIEW 2014 Student edition 32 bit. Running in Windows 10 pro in a Virtual box VM on a Macbook pro.


I will be happy to fix the json file, I just do not know which one it is.


Thanks in advance for any help you can give.



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Additional info

Here is the screen capture of the error.


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Message 2 of 4

Sorry you are having problems with opening the configuration file.


I tried to reproduce it with the code from the tools network and ran into no such issues. It's possible that the VM configuration you are using might have caused an error. I have not tested on that combination of host, VM software, and guest (macOS, Virtual Box, Windows 10).


Here are some things you can try:


Uninstall and reinstall the DCAF Examples package from within VIPM. Then, try and open the configuration file again. The configuration files you are talking about are at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\examples\DCAF Examples\RT Temperature Controller', correct?


If that does not work, here is some other advice.


I have seen some issues with line endings and these configuration files before. For some reason, the line ending can get screwed up when using the git version control software. There may be other scenarios that also screw up line endings.


To fix the line endings of your file, you can open it up in a text editor like Notepad++, which is free. Here is a download link:




In Notepad++, you want to change the line endings to 'Windows' format since you are on a Windows guest OS. You can do that by navigating to the 'Edit >> EOL Conversion >> Windows Format' option and saving your file.


Usually after I do that, I can open my file in DCAF again.


Good luck! Let me know if that does not work.


Message 3 of 4

Hi John,


I had copied the example files to c:\pes_dev\  so I would not mess with the as received examples.


When I ran the example from the normal dcaf examples location, was able to get pass the reading of  configuration file.   (Also found that the Windows 10 pro, did not have UAC turned down to being less restrictive).

Thanks for your help in getting past the Json error. (by the way in Notepad++ the pcfg files are coming up as UTF8 with out BOM.  Is that what you want it to be?


Went a little farther in the example PDF.

Found that to see the CRIO main.vi, I needed to have RT installed.  (at least I did not see the CRIO main.vi in the project.)

Will be setting up a Eval of the LabVIEW 2014 RT to have a completely functional example. (I also have a SBrio(linux) that I will play with for the example.


Thanks again for you guidance. It is appreciated!



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