Driver Development Kit (DDK)

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Porting a PCI-6602 driver to a PCIE-6612

Is there a register level programming manual for the PCIE-6612?  We have an in house driver for the PCI-6602 and I was wondering if the register maps/definitions between these cards were kept the same.  Thanks.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi DeltaPapaKilo,


The PCIe-6612 is different architecturally than the PCI-6602. As a result, the register maps and definitions are not compatible. We currently do not have a release of the DDK for the PCIe-6612.



Steven K.
National Instruments
Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Is there a plan to have a release of the DDK for the PCIe-6612... ever? 


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi DeltaPapaKilo,


We currently don't have plans to release the PCIe-6612 DDK. If you would like, please feel free DM me about the specifics of your application.

Steven K.
National Instruments
Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

We are still interested in doing this and have not moved to the PCIE-6612 because the PCI-6602 driver we have written in house is integrated directly into our data acquisition software.  We do not want to implement a National Instruments API because it would not be synchronized with the rest of our system.  You stated that the PCIe-6612 is different architecturally than the PCI-6602.  How different?  I already have a PCIe-6612 card and I have written a driver for it.  I have accessed the register and memory space but am now lacking the offsets to the registers.  Are you telling me that the designers made no effort ease the transition for the NI driver writers?  That they made all new register definitions and mixed all the bits up?  I could probably get by with some header files that define the register offsets and such.  I would not need a fancy pdf manual.  Let me know what you are able to provide.  Thanks for anything.

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Message 5 of 5