DutLUG - Dutch LabVIEW Usergroup

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Meeting 12-09-2024

Dear DutLUG community,


I am excited to announce the presentations for our next DutLUG meeting in September.

Please note that all presentations will be in person, and we will not be recording or live streaming. Additionally, all presentations will be conducted in English.


Stay healthy and see you all soon!


1. Arjan Wiskerke - Event density plots, a more dynamic alternative for histograms.


During evaluation of the results from our cytometer, we used the histograms LabVIEW library. Often, the data turns out to be located in a limited number of bins and only after tweaking the range and bin size parameters, the data is represented nicely. To overcome this problem, I devised a plot in which every point the same number of events and the bin size is different for each point. The value displayed on the y axes is than given by the number of events divided by the size of the bin. It turns out that this approach has great advantages in implementation efficiency and represents the data much better. Figure 1 shows data in the a traditional histogram where all bin sizes are equal, in figure 2, the same data is plotted as a event density plot where data point are closer to each other where the intensity is high and further apart in low intensity regions.















Figure 1 Data plotted in a “traditional” histogram, on the vertical axis is the number of counts in each bin.

Figure 2 Event density plot, each point represents the same number of events. On the vertical axes is the event density.


During my presentation I will elaborate on implementation and the advantages of this type of plot. Furthermore, I will discuss refinements that I implemented.

I am looking forward to present this work and hear your thoughts.

Till then, Arjan Wiskerke


2. Neil Pate - From zero to an actor framework in 1 hour.


This presentation will be a live demonstration of the creation of a simple but robust actor framework in LabVIEW, starting from an empty block diagram. The concepts demonstrated have been successfully used in many customer projects ranging from controlling large telescopes, high speed acquisition and analysis with VST hardware, production line process control and many more.

Message 1 of 7

You guys are certainly aware that there will be a GDevCon in Stuttgart from 11. To 13. September?  Considering the geographical distance of Stuttgart to Eindhoven I would say it is a very safe bet that quite a few people won’t be present in Eindhoven.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 7

@rolfk wrote:

You guys are certainly aware that there will be a GDevCon in Stuttgart from 11. To 13. September?  Considering the geographical distance of Stuttgart to Eindhoven I would say it is a very safe bet that quite a few people won’t be present in Eindhoven.

Hello Rolf,

Thank you for your message. We are aware of GDevCon, and VI Technologies will also be present there. We are fairly confident that a sufficient number of people will still attend DutLUG, based on how things have gone in previous years.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Thanks for the opportunity to present, I really enjoyed the session.


As promised, everything is uploaded to GitHub here: https://github.com/neilpate/ASimpleActorFramework_DUTLUG 


Message 4 of 7

Thank you for your LabVIEW presentation. I think it is quite brave to do such a live-programming performance. IFor me it is was helpful because I noticed even a labVIEW champion makes and doesn't follow all rules strictly.


There were some remarks from the audience and I myself also have some remarks. Do you want us to post them here?


Best regards, Arjan


P.S. I also liked the set-up of your actor framework as it is quite simple and I think also very efficient!

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hi Arjan


Be sure only follow the rules you like. Especially take notice of readability.

One of the reasons I also really liked Neils presentation.


greetings from the Netherlands
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