Dynamic Signal Acquisition

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Sync AI and AO using nidaqmx python

Hello everyone I am trying to write a code for a analog out from speaker and collecting the speaker stimuli and response via microphone. When the codes written individually for speaker output and microphone input they work but when I try to sync them the code is not generating output.


!! The code for generating wave!!


def generate_wave(freqA, freqB, N_freq, Amplitude, duration, samplingRate, dutycycle) :

    N_freq = N_freq+1    
    #Time vector
    t = np.linspace(0, duration, int(samplingRate*duration),endpoint=False)
    #sample Points
    N_tot = int(samplingRate*duration)
    N_max = int(0.8*N_tot*dutycycle)
    N_rise = int(0.1*N_tot*dutycycle)
    N_zero = N_tot-N_max-N_rise*2

    #initialize wave
    #wave_amplitude = np.zeros(N_tot)

    wave_amplitude1 = np.linspace(0,Amplitude,N_rise)
    wave_amplitude2 = Amplitude*np.ones(N_max)
    wave_amplitude3 = np.linspace(Amplitude,0,N_rise)
    wave_amplitude4 = np.zeros(N_zero)

    wave_amplitude = np.concatenate((wave_amplitude1,wave_amplitude2,wave_amplitude3,wave_amplitude4),axis=None)

    wave = wave_amplitude*np.sin(2*np.pi*freqA*t)
    freq_step = (freqB-freqA)/(N_freq-1)
    for i in range(N_freq-2) :
        frequency = freqA + freq_step*(i+1)
        ti = np.linspace(duration*(i+1),duration*(i+2),int(samplingRate*duration),endpoint=False)
        wave_cur = wave_amplitude*np.sin(2*np.pi*frequency*ti)
        wave = np.concatenate((wave,wave_cur),axis=None)

    time  = np.linspace(0, duration*(N_freq-1), int(samplingRate*duration)*(N_freq-1),endpoint=False)
    return time, wave
freqA = 10 # Initial Frequency
freqB = 100 # Final frequency
N_freq = 10 # Number of frequencies
Amplitude = 0.5 # Amplitude of wave
duration = 1 # duration for one frquency
samplingRate = 1000 #number of time steps
dutycycle = 0.9 # duty cycle in decimals

time, output = generate_wave(freqA, freqB, N_freq, Amplitude, duration, samplingRate, dutycycle)
The above code generates the output to speaker and when run individually I can differentiate the 10 frequencies given
The error occurs in the next part of the code given below
    # Create a task for analog output
    with nidaqmx.Task() as ao_task,nidaqmx.Task() as ai_task:
        ao_task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(sampling_rate, samps_per_chan=num_samples, sample_mode=nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType.CONTINUOUS)

        # Write the output signal to the analog output channel
    # Create a task for analog input
        ai_task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan("Dev1/ai1")  # Second analog input channel
        ai_task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(sampling_rate, samps_per_chan=num_samples, sample_mode=nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType.CONTINUOUS)

        # Read data
        output_signal = output

        ao_task.write(output_signal, auto_start=False)      
        data = ai_task.read(number_of_samples_per_channel=num_samples)


        # Separate the data from the two analog input channels
        data_ai1 = [d[0] for d in data]  # Data from the first analog input channel
        data_ai2 = [d[1] for d in data]  # Data from the second analog input channel

        # Store data to excel
        df = pd.DataFrame({"Voltage_AI0": data_ai1, "Voltage_AI1": data_ai2})

        # Save DataFrame to Excel file
        df.to_csv("acquired_data_AI_AO.csv", index=False)

except nidaqmx.DaqError as e:
    print(f"DAQmx Error: {e}")
DAQmx Error: Specified operation cannot be performed while the task is running.

Can anyone help regarding this issue
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try this example:

Example includes code that synchronizes the tasks (rather than just starting them close to the same time).
Your code should not use wait_until_done() with a continuous task.


In your current code, have your determined which operation is throwing the error? 

DAQmx Error: Specified operation cannot be performed while the task is running.

You could use the DSA Soft Front Panels instead of writing custom code. You can configure the DSG to output your frequency sweep, and you can configure the DSG to use a digital start trigger (/<Dev>/ai/StartTrigger). You can configure the DSA to acquire stimulus and response signals and to use an analog reference trigger. Run DSG. Run DSA.

NI Sound and Vibration
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