Dynamic Signal Acquisition

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Synchronizing Arduino and NI-Daq

Hi all,


I am trying to synchronize 2 different sensors with 2 different acquisition methods. The first sensor is a BNO055 connected to an arduino then to Labview via visa serial where I monitor the movement of an impact tool. The second being an accelerometer connected to an NI-USB which measure the impact surface.


So I have successfully obtained the required data to process and imposed them on a chart. I am trying to sync the time of impact from the tool to the time of impact from the accelerometer. impact occurs when the tool stops moving (touches the surface) and when the accelerometer starts ready vibrations on the surface. However when I super impose the data, there is always a difference in time which is not constant.


Is there a way to synchronize the two sensors?




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Message 1 of 2

I have the same problem in my project. Can somebody help. I am using an Arduino Nano to measure the rotation of an encoder, and a load cell connected to a Ni-9237 to measure the force, and I want to syncronize the two value on LabView. 

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