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2 Servo Joystick Code??? Camera Video feed to Dashboard???


I have used the example code provided (from 2010 and before my cRIO issues) but it is from a track ball by click with the mouse.

I want to be able to control my servos by using the joystick     (or if someone really made some nice programming, a way to configure 4 buttons on the joystick to move the servo a certain direction while being pressed or something...)     (and possible data feed on servo position back to dashboard)

Can anyone got code pics or something to share to help me accomplish any of that mentioned above?

Also, I don't even care for camera tracking at this stage, but I am just simply trying to set it up so that the camera provided will stream to the dashboard.

(I have also heard of lag problems and other issues, so I need a relatively easy yet decent way to setup the robot project)

Can anyone help with that?


Davis Catherman

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Davis,

You have two  questions. Let me do my best to answer both.

1.) two servo code. I would start by verifing that the servo example works on both servos. One common mistake is that people forget to connect the power jumper so the servo has power. Once both servos are known working then it is just a matter ofa simple vi that maps the joystick value to the servo value.

2.) Camera Video feed - have you ran the axis camera setup utlity? You might want to  take a look at the following guide.

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Message 2 of 3

well, about #1. (servo code)

About the jumpers first, (are they provided in the KoP and what do they look like? (cause ive just been using alligator clips to connect them...)

The servos did successfully  run through the servo code example.

I have tried and tested several codes of my own, but none of them seem to work. And i have ran out of ideas for new code. So how do i do that? (would be good to add to tutorials)

and the camera is work in process but not sure how it is going...


Davis Catherman

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Message 3 of 3