FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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We purchased an AndyMark light package part number am-2645.  We want to control the LEDs based off of the robot's actions (i.e. blue when shooting or light chasing red when moving).

We are having trouble communicating with the arduino using the arduino library. We have a Atmega microcontroller but the only board options are and Uno, a Dimuelanove w/ Atmega 328, and Mega 2560. However, we are running a Atmega 328 independently. How can we communicate with the cRio hardware wise and software wise? Please help!

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Which arduino library are you referring to?

I think you would probably want to use something like I2C to communicate between the cRIO and the Arduino.  There are some LabVIEW examples for using I2C in Help->Find examples in LabVIEW.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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