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Cannot use the Linksys WGA600N Gaming Adaptor after attending a competition

After Attending the Traverse City, Michigan, competition we Cannot use the Linksys WGA600N Gaming Adaptor.

I have tried to follow the directions in the "...Getting Started" manual and cannot connect to the adaptor.

I have done the Reset with no luck.

Can someone advise me as to how to reset the adaptor so that we can test our robot at home?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10


Have you done a "Hard Reset" of the Gaming Adaptor?

From the Linksys WGA600N User Manual:

To restore the factory default settings, press the Reset button for approximately five seconds, using a pin or straightened paper clip ( factory defaults can also be restored via the
Tools > System screen of the Adapter’s web‑based utility).

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 10

Yes.  I did the hardware reset and I still cannot communicate with it.

I have done the steps in the user manual.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10


When you say that you can't communicate with it, do you mean you can't login to it's configuration page? Have you tried connecting to it directly with a crossover cable or wired through your router with a straight through cable?

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

We cannot login to its configuration page.

I believe that at a competition they program the "Bridge" to communicate with their system.

Then, when we get home we have to configure it to work with our router and/or the Classmate.

I have our router and two cables.  One cable is from my laptop to the router and the other cable is from the "Bridge" to the router.

We cannot get a response to a "ping" or to keying in the default IP address.  Even after doing the manual "Reset".

We also tried using the Linksys web site and we can't get to the configuration page.

We have two cRIO and communications sytems.  One on the robot and one on a simulator.

We had a similar problem last year and someone was finally able to get the "Bridge" used at competitions to work.

Last night we had to swap the "Bridge" from the simulator to the robot in order to do some testing before we go to GVSU this weekend.

We need to learn how to reset the "Bridge" back to our settings.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

It sounds like you are following the instructions in section 2 of the control system manual. Those only work when both the router and the bridge are at factor defaults. To just access the bridge, plug the computer directly into the bridge and set the computers IP address to 192.168.1.x

It would have been easier to plug directly into the bridge before you did the factory default, but it sounds like it's too late for that.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

We are having the same problem as well.   We connected the computer directly to the bridge but it does not respond to 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hello Richard,

It looks like this forum got lost in the shuffle during the end of the season, my sincere apologies!

It sounds like you have been following the directions but I just wanted to double check a few more things before I recommend you getting in touch with FIRST to get a new one.  I am sure you have gotten these questions multiple times but these are usually the main things that can go wrong when having issues with the bridge.

First, can you double check that you are resetting the bridge correctly?  You actually need to power up the bridge with the reset button held down and keep it held down for 5+ seconds.  You should actually see a change in the LEDs when you reset it.

Second, can you double check that you set the static IP Address properly on the machine in order to be able to see the bridge on your computer?  If the bridge and the computer are on different subnets then they will not be able to see each other.

Lastly, can you verify that the security LED is not flashing on the bridge?  If it is, that means the security button has been hit and you will not be able to communicate with it.

These are by far the easiest mistakes to make when dealing with the bridge.  That being said, the bridges are not the most robust pieces of hardware on the robot.  It is possible that the radio is not working properly.  If you are sure on the above points, and have followed all of the directions in the manual, it is possible that you have a bad bridge.  In that case, you will need to get in touch with FIRST in order to get a replacement.

Please let me know if you have any further questions on this issue and I will be very happy to assist you.


Bob H

NI FIRST Support

Bob H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

I did the reset with the WGN powering up.  I checked to see if the security LED was flashing.  It is not.  I do not know how to check the IP address but I am pretty sure the tech guy at our school did that and we never changed it anyway. I tried using the browser and going to the 125:******* address but there is no response.   First does not respond to my e mails.  ANy other suggestions?



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Hello Richard,

Did you make sure to follow the steps in the FRC Control Systems Manual for setting up the Gaming Adaptor?  It can be found in section 2.10 (starting on page 44) of this manual:

The important thing to note here is that resetting the Gaming Adaptor takes a little coordination.  You need to be holding down the reset button as you are powering up the radio and normally I say hold it down for a good 5 to 10 seconds just to be sure.  So just use a paper clip to hold down that reset switch as you plug in power to it.

Once it has been reset then you should follow the instructions in the manual to set it up.

If at that point you are still not able to get it working, and FIRST doesn't respond to your emails, then I would try to follow up with them via phone (from the FIRST website: Phone: (603) 666-3906 or (800) 871-8326).

I do apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused.  As I stated above the wireless radios are not really meant for the harsh robotic environment and can sometimes become unusable after some time.


Bob H

NI FIRST Support

Bob H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 10 of 10