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Dashboard will not connect and display Axis camera M1013 or M1011-W

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit OS Desktop; Team 3861; roboRIO; Ran Axis Camera Setup Tool (Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Project/Axis Camera Tool/AxisCameraSetup.exe) with no problems on a Axis M1013 camera. After Apply address is with a username "FRC" and password "FRC". Question how the "FRC" username and password is used?? Any way, Axis camera is connected to the DLink Radio version A. When I bring up the driver station, it logs the following error message: ERROR-1074360311 occurred at IMAQdx Open  NIIMAQdx: (Hex 0xBFF69009) Camera not found. And of course the dashboard doesn't display an image. However, using a Microsoft LifeCam HD USB camera, the image is displayed without a hitch. Also an Axis M1011 Ethernet camera gives the same camera not found log on the driver station.

Message was edited by: gto70ski

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Message 1 of 5

Hi gto70ski

Can you go to Vision and change 'USB' string constant to IP adress string constant of your camera.

Save and restart yout programs. Run and make sure to select "Enable Vision". In Dashboard select  'USB Camera HW"

Message 2 of 5


I assume you wanted me to change the Select function ? input from T to F? Correct?

Anyway, no dice:

Driver station log:

ERROR -44003 occurred at WPI_CameraIssue HTTP Request with>>WPI_CameraIssue>>WPI_CameraSet Image Appearance>>WPI_CameraSet Image>>Vision>>Robot

FRC: Operation failed due to a communication failure with the camera.

Thanks for the help,


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Message 3 of 5

He was discussing the change other users made in this thread: to get their Axis camera working.

Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author gto70ski

Issue answered for me! Got both M1011 and M1013 Axis cameras to display on Dashboard.

1) In the vision, changed the true/false ahead of the USB/IP select function from True to False so that the name axis-camera.local is selected. I assume that teams using USB cameras will need to leave this set to true. Save All and Build.

2) Replaced the RevA DLink Radio with a RevB DLink Radio. Ran the FRC Bridge configuration utility from 64 bit program files (X86) sub directory. The Rev A Radio would not work for me for the Axis Ethernet cameras. The Rev A Radio worked fine originally for the MS Life Cam USB camera.

3) Used the Axis IPUtility.exe from the Axis company website to find the camera IP address (both Axis Ethernet cameras that I had were not at the std address for whatever reason) and bring up the configure root password screen.

4) Manually configured the camera using the FRC "Configuring an Axis Camera.pdf" with the exception of leaving the TCP/IP setting using DHCP (I suppose that it really doesn't matter whether the address is static or dynamic since the vision VI is looking at the host name) and under Advanced TCP/IP Settings at the bottom of the screen changed the host name to axis-camera (with no ".local" suffix) (Important part).

5) Took a couple of shots at deployment to get the connection and deployment to take but works fine now for both Axis Ethernet cameras (M1011 or M1013). Again for USB cameras, you may need to leave the vision VI select (step 1 above) at USB instead of IP.


Team 3861 Signal Mountain High School and Chattanooga Area High Schools

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Message 5 of 5