FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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ERROR <Code> -44061 occurred at "RobotDrive" in the VI path: Robot

ERROR <Code> -44061 occurred at "RobotDrive" in the VI path: Robot
< time>23:36:12 03/13/2013
FRC: The loop that contains RobotDrive is not running fast enough. This error can occur if the loop contains too much code, or if one or more other loops are starving the RobotDrive loop.

We are getting this error while running on the DS.  I have tried two different computers as the DS and it still gives errors.  I dont lose communications with the robot, but the drive speed is very slow.  Our program is very basic and I dont know what could be slowing it down to cause this error.  We are not advanced programmers and just trying to get by.

I have attached my because I believe this is where the rror is coming from.  Any help would be great.

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Message 1 of 7

I don't see anythign in your Teleop code that would cause this behavior.

There are a couple of causes of this error but the mostly likely is that you have an untimed loop somewhere else in your code.  Have you modified the code in timed tasks or in vision processing?  Do any of your while loops in those VIs not have a wait inside of them?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 2 of 7

The only place I have made changes from the default code at this time are in begin, teleop, and finish. Everything else is the initial default. We are not using vision this year.

Thanks for trying.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Can you post your complete project? Can you post the driver station logs you are getting from the match?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7


We have two roboRIO systems up and running and both are showing the same out of the box error. I.E. even with no code modified, the teleop motor control jumps (stops and restarts) with full joystick forward motion and logs the error. I even tried one previous suggestion of moving the PWM channels up to channels 1 and 2 (Build and deploy) and then back down to channels 0 and 1 (Build and deploy).


Fred S

Team 3861 Chattanooga TN Signal Mtn High School

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Message 5 of 7

This thread is a bit confusing, because you have replied to an old question from 2013 (with old attached code).  Are you able to run a newly created basic robot project without errors?  I would start there, and if you have trouble you might consider starting a new discussion.  Often times questions with multiple replies are assumed to be answered.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Ok, will start new discussion.

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Message 7 of 7