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Error-44061 occurred at the Talon connected to PWM 0 of the DIO ...

Is anyone getting errors with drive train motors?

We're getting two:

Error -44061 occurred at the Talon connected to PWM 0 of the DIO Module in Controller 1, and the Talon connected to PWM 1 of the DIO Module in Controller 1 in the VI path: Robot

Error -44036 ovvurred at WPI_PWMSetvALUE.VI>>>>>>WPI_DriverStationStart>>Robot

"FRC: The loop that contains RobotDrive is not running fast enough.  This error can occur if the loop contains too much code, or if one or more other loops are starving the RobotDrive loop."

At this time we only have Arcade drive in Teleop testing out our drive train.  We have a simple joystick filter program that widens the deadband for zero on axis inputs.

We have disabled safty vi in the and re-enabled - same errors.

We have put a delay in Robot of 250ms - same errors.

We have done just two motors set and 4 motor setup - same errors.

I wonder if we need to have drive train PWM on PWM 0?

Is anyone else having these errors?


Scott Wheeler

Robotz Gargage

Programming Mentor

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Message 1 of 11

Update to setup of our test robot: 4 CIMS and we're using Talon controllers hooked up to PWMs 1-4.  We are planning to use slot 0 for our 10th controller if we need that many.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Hi Scott,

Is the joystick filtering in the same loop as RobotDrive?  What other code do you have in that loop?

Also, are there any other loops running in that same loop?  Depending on how long they take to run, they could be slowing down the larger loop.

Every time I've seen error 44061, it has been because of something in same loop as RobotDrive.

Kelly B.

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Sorry for the delayed responce.  We had no other code and this was the default Arcade code when creating a new project.  We moved our PWMs from 1-4 to 0-3 and errors went away.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

Glad to hear the error is resolved! 

Kelly B.

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11


We have two roboRIO systems up and running (one with an Ethernet camera connected to the DLink radio) and the other with no camera but simple code for another non drive motor and solenoids. Nothing in the robot drive motor circuits. Both have the Error 44061 showing up. Tried moving the PWM channels up and back down to no effect. On the one with the Axis camera, I can run with no error when I disconnect the camera. As soon as I connect the camera (even not selected in dashboard) I get the error. What I don't understand is the other roboRIO with no camera gets the error also.


Fred S

Team 3861 Chattanooga TN Signal Mtn HS

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Message 6 of 11

Hi Fred,

Have you tried running the default project on the roboRIOs?  If this error is occuring without any additional code in the RobotDrive loop, then there is likely code elsewhere in your project that is preventing the RobotDrive loop from running fast enough.

Kelly B.

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

I've withnessed this error with two different FRC teams this week.

One team runs the default project with only minor changes to teleop (no loops involved)

The other team has more complex code but they ran autonomous code only, so the sequence was pretty much the same each run, yet the error message appeared very inconssistent with their run attempts  (I checked all of their loops and all seemed to have timeouts, though as their SW is more complex, I might have missed something).

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hi Sigal,

In those cases, have the teams tried using different PWM ports (see last post by Wheels4451)

In the case of the team who only made minor modifications to the default project, what modifications did they make and at which point did the error occur?  If they try making them one at a time and testing the code each time, they should be able to pinpoint which modification is causing the problem.

Kelly B.

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

For now I can refer to the 2nd team's case only.

They do not use PWM for their arcade driving. They only use new CAN bus Talons, so changing PWM ports cannot be their solution.

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Message 10 of 11