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How to invert camera image on driver station?

We have mounted our camera in the gimbal/frame, which is itself mounted upside down on a high point of our robot. This allows us to turn the Y axis of the gimbal all the way around and we can view our minibot deploying on the back of our robot. However, then the image is upside down, and we would like to invert it to help our drivers. We tried using a Rotate image VI (from the Vision and Motion pallette) in the dashboard code (it would be run if a custom value was sent to the driver station), but our dashboard would not run. It came up with an error window that said we needed the full version of LabVIEW to execute the application. We assumed that this was because we used this VI, which was meant to be run on the robot or a computer with LabVIEW (our Classmate does not).

However, when we looked into inverting the image in the robot's vision VI, it didn't seem possible to send this specific rotate image to the driver station (only to use it for processing on the robot). The driver station appears to only grab the raw image.

So how can we accomplish inverting the camera image on the dashboard? Thanks in advance!

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Message 1 of 7

Is it the problem mentioned in The VI is not executable discussion? It was mentioned in the release notes of the 3.1 update that this was fixed, however I have not tried it.

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Message 2 of 7

Sorry that I haven't replied back soon. Yes that is the same error. However, we do have update 3.1 installed......

Unfortunately, we are now getting a different dashboard error. Whenever we try to build it (or a default dashboard for that matter), it gives us an error that says one of the deep, behind the scenes VIs does not have appropreate file permissions. But we were logged into administrator and the LabVIEW folder isn't password protected, of course. So we can't test this vision VI issue until we get that fixed.

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Message 3 of 7

Sometimes Windows is picky.

To open Labview, right click and select "Run As Administrator".

see if that fixes it.

And actually now that I think of it.  Did you make the program on a different computer and then transfer it over and try to run it?

Davis Catherman

Message was edited by: Davis Catherman

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Message 4 of 7

Thanks for the Run as Administrator idea, we'll try that tomorrow.

As for your second question: We are making the dashboard on a different computer other than the Classmate. The first time we wanted to try our dashboard, we built it and ran it on the Classmate (copied .exe and related files over into appropreate folder). It built fine, but we got our first error I talk about in my first post. We removed the IMAQ vision VI and with the intention of trying the dashboard without it. However, before we could try that, it would not build for us (2nd error).

We have also tried building an un-edited dashboard on a different computer and we got the same type of build error. However, the files that it complained about were different, but still deep, behind the scenes types.

I noticed that there was a LV Update 3.2 available now. We will try this out tomorrow, but the readme doesn't say it fixes issues related to this.

Thanks for your help so far!!!

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Message 5 of 7

We got it to build fine now, I think it was the new update that reset some things. Before the update it wouldn't work even if we did the "run as administrator" method.

However, it still will not run the dashboard on the classmate.

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Message 6 of 7

You may still see an issue if you didn't install LabVIEW on your classmate.  If that is the case, you can copy over a couple of files from your updated LabVIEW install to make this work.  Try this.  Copy these two files:

Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\8.6\lvrt.dll

Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\8.6\English\lvapp.rsc

from your computer with the updated LabVIEW install to your classmate.

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Message 7 of 7