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Imaging the CRIO with this years image

Is anyone having problems imaging their CRIO with this years image?  We can't image our CRIOs, keep getting the 'Rescan or Exit" message when lauching the Image tool.  Thanks -Flash 1319

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Message 1 of 4

We had no problems imaging the cRIO.

How are you connected to the cRIO. Do you have a firewall that might be blocking the imaging tool? Did you set your computer's IP address?

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Message 2 of 4

We are connecting with our own laptop (not Casemate) and we did set the IP address and we turned off antivirus and firewall.  I uninstalled and reinstalled Labview and redownloaded updates and we still cannot connect.  We tried a different CRIO and that didn't work.  We were able to connect with a different laptop that has last years versioin of Labview and were able to use the imaging tool.  So, we copied over the image file and imaged that way.

Thanks for the responce, hopefully this will help others that have this issue.


Scott Wheeler

Flash 1319 Mentor

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Message 3 of 4

Same problem with my team...

But I think it worked in the end ( havent't used any code yet [ I will tomorrow, and let you know { but my team might be stuck on that part } ] )

It is a big story to what happened...

My "mentor" and "school tech teacher" decided to attempt it without me (epic fail...), and by the way, they used our team's "Dell Laptop"

And my "mentor" has a belief that if the "cRIO" is ever not in "Safe Mode", then the world will explode...

So i went thought the process again today and used the "Dell Laptop"...


  1. Connect "Laptop" to the "cRIO"
  2. Make sure your "Laptop IP" is set to be 10.xx.yy.6 (if windows 7, then it is the "4" one)
  3. Set the "cRIO" to NOT be in "Safe Mode" which means the switch is towards the outside (caution- possible worldwide meltdown...)
  4. Turn on "Robot"
  5. Run the "FRC cRIO Imaging Tool"
  6. (by the way, after you think it is completed correctly, you can open this program to the starting screen and read the "Name" and "IP" of your "cRIO" to see if it was formatted to the right settings (in which it would read "xxyy" for both) BUT DONT CLICK "RUN" (or it re-formats it again...)
  7. Select what you want in the window (varies by programming method)
  8. Select "Format" and the "2011" format option
  9. Select "Run"
  10. ...
  11. (Then it will come back with 1 of 2 screens ... (described below)
  12.      [SCREEN 1:: completes it all the way through and says something about loading code and only asks to "close"]
  13.      [SCREEN 2:: stops in the middle and has 2 paragraphs and a choice (described below)
  14.           (paragraph 1- saying something about how your robot still is in "Safe Mode" (even though it may not be...)
  15.           (paragraph 2- says something about formatting the "cRIO" in "Safe Mode"))
  16. Switch the "cRIO" back into "Safe Mode" (inward)
  17. select option 2 which is format or something...
  18. let it go through the process....
  19. it will say something about doing the process again...
  20. (you might notice that in the "FRC cRIO Imaging Tool" that your "Name" and "IP" are now " " and "0000")
  21. So make sure the "cRIO" is NOT in "Safe Mode"
  22. follow steps 7-__
  23. try that 2 times and if that doesn't work (I need to check a different way...)

Note: (possible that I went through these steps at a different point since I tried this so many times and different ways (i went through this process or similar one ~40 times today...), but i know i went through this near the end...

Also when I did it this many times i had tried it on a different laptop then went back to my "Dell Laptop" (it worked after i tried it few times after switching back... (idk why...)

uhh, let me know if this works or another way (and please write your method down and post it)

or correct a few steps from my walk-through


Davis Catherman

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Message 4 of 4