03-25-2011 05:02 PM
We have been working on a practice robot, and when we tried to boot it up the first time, we could communicate with the cRio, but the driver station Communications light was red. The Robot and Bridge lights show green, and we can format, program, and ping the cRio without problem. Everytime the cRio is booted, however, Communications does not come up, and the user light is blinking so fast it is solid.
We have tried another driver station install on a different computer, so we don't think it is a configuration issue there. All suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.
FRC Team 1761
11-29-2012 09:37 AM
I am mentoring a team for the first time. They are all rookie programmers, so we are all in the dark. Can not get the robot to communicate at all. I tried deploying the basic start up code and still get no green light for robot communication on the drive station. Did you ever figure out a solution to this?
12-02-2012 11:45 PM
Do you know that you've properly deployed the startup code, and have you confirmed that it's running? It's been most a year now since I last looked at this - haven't started on this year yet - so I may have some of the filenames slightly wrong in the following. Open the FRC Robot project (or create a new one from the template). From the project, open Robot Main under the cRIO target. Then hit the white "Run" arrow in the toolbar. It should connect to the cRIO and start running the code on the robot. Does that much work? If so, you can then start the driver station (with LabVIEW still running and connected) and see if you're able to connect.
If you cannot even get the code to run, start going through the networking. Does the imaging tool find the cRIO properly? Can you ping it? If you open Measurement and Automation Explorer, can it find the cRIO under "Remote Systems"?