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Not seeing camera in dashboard, camera connected to cRIO second ethernet port

I was trying to help a team get their camera working last night, but couldn't get an image on the dashboard.  The camera is connected to the second ethernet port on the older-style cRIO.  Running the cRIO code interactively, I can probe an image wire in the Vision subVI and see that the camera is working (I think this required changing one boolean constant in the Begin VI).  However, there's no image display in the dashboard.  I tried creating a new dashboard project and it looks like there's a similar boolean constant there that should determine whether the dashboard connects directly to the camera, or connects to the cRIO.  Probing the error output, I see that it alternates between TCP error 56 and 63 (connection refused and timeout).  It looks like it's trying to connect to port 1180 on the cRIO to retrieve the image; I could not find anything on the cRIO that matches that.  Am I missing something simple, and I'm making the debugging too complex?  Does the dashboard no longer support this configuration since my understanding is the new cRIOs don't have a second ethernet port?

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Message 1 of 8

It should still be supported, though not default.  As you said, the code on the robot and on the dashboard may need to change slightly to support reading from the camera on port 2.

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Message 2 of 8

Any chance you can set this up, and list the specific changes needed in the code to make it work?

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Message 3 of 8

I don't have LabVIEW in front of me, but there is a single boolean constant that needs to be changed. It's already set up.

Message was edited by: sciencewhiz

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Message 4 of 8

That's how it looks from the code, but I changed two booleans (one in the robot code, the other in the dashboard) and didn't get any image.  Do you have this working with this year's code?

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Message 5 of 8

I have not tried it this year, sorry.

One thing I noticed is that there is a new VI that is called WPI_CameraSend Images To PC which didn't exist last year. I wonder if it is no longer automatic. You might try calling that VI.

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Message 6 of 8

sciencewhiz wrote:

I have not tried it this year, sorry.

One thing I noticed is that there is a new VI that is called WPI_CameraSend Images To PC which didn't exist last year. I wonder if it is no longer automatic. You might try calling that VI.

That is accurate.  The VI needs to be called now.  The change was made so that ti would be a little less like witchcraft and would be debuggable more easily by teams.  Look in the Vision Loop VI in your project...  You may need to enable that PC video server VI.

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Message 7 of 8

If using the Robot Radio you can use the default code supplied with the labview updates as the default is for the camera to be located by the code at 10.xx.yy.nn  However you need to set up the camera to be on the ip address according to the included tools.  Use the cross over (pinkish) color to set it up and plug it into the router, not the CRIO. 

Use the labview updates to build the default robot code and the default driver station.  Both will expect the camera to be set up on the robot radio.

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Message 8 of 8