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Problem with camera not showing in Dashboard

We have loaded the robot framework and down loaded it to a prototype bot.  It is working fine.  We added our camera and can see its image by adding a display to the Find Circular Target vi.  However it will not display on the Classmate Dashboard.  We are getting all other functionality on the dashboard (It is GREAT), but no image.  Any thoughts?


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Message 1 of 21

Our team is having the exact same issue.  If we probe the vision wires we can see video just fine on the programming laptop but the display window on the classmate driverstation is just showing the message "timeout in camera communications".

We have been able to track everything from a small little target printed on 8.5x11 paper all the way up to the full size target with no issues.  would love to get the display working now though.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 21


I will try to look into this in further detail tomorrow.  Just an initial reaction that I had was just make sure that you have set up the cameras IP Address as well as all the other network configuration properly (this can be found in Chapter 2 of the manual, camera specifics can be found in 2.12).

As I said I will test it out myself tomorrow to see if there may be any steps that could be missed.


Bob H

NI FIRST Support

Bob H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 21

I'm pretty sure that our camera is setup and working properly. We can run, not deploy the code, and get live vision back to our programming laptop.  were just not getting vision out to our drivers station. 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 21

Same for us.  Visible on programming laptop, but not on dashboard.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 21

There is an unlabeled button underneath the camera display that controls whether the camera is displayed or not. You should make sure that button is selected.

Did you install the Driver Station update?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21

the button on the dashboard was actually one of the first things I tried.   To give you a bit of background I was lucky enough to help another team in the area that was part of the labview beta for this season and aside from when there wasn't enough room for code on the crio as long as you ran some code in you generally had video back to your dashboard.   I do know that the robot template that was given to us as part of the update is different than what we were working with over the summer as it did already have sample vision code in it.

The other thing i have not tried is launching an older version of the driverstation or going back to v18 of the crio code.  but nothing has changed with our test bot from before kickoff to now. everything was working right up until i reimaged the crio to the v19 image and switched to the classmate pc.  when i try and open the beta code that was generated it isn't liking something with vision so i'm wondering what could have changed in the last week or so from the beta to ship.

I won't be back in that school district until Friday but will actually be onsite at a rookie team in our area's site tomorrow(thursday) and will report back if i have similar or different results with there setup once we get there KOP opened and a prototype board built.

Thanks for all the help so far. 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 21


I ran through the setup process completely this morning and tested out the camera.  As long as that unlabeled button has been pushed it should show up in the default code without any problems.  Make sure that the network configuration for the Camera is set up properly Chapter 2 of the Manual section 12.

If you still are not able to get the Camera working, can you double check on the Diagnostics tab in the Driver Station to see if you are getting any errors.  If you are getting errors, please post them here.  Also, try powering up the robot, and then hit the reset button on the cRIO to see if you still have the errors afterwards.

Make sure to keep us updated here and we can help you troubleshoot further.  I hope this helps!


Bob H

NI FIRST Support

Bob H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

Thank you for responding to our question.

When looking at the diagnostics tab, we have the following errors:

1. ERROR<Code>-44003 occurred at Camera.lvlib:Issue HTTP Request with>>Camera.lvlib:Read>>Camera.lvlib:Acquire

2. FRC: Operation failed due to a communication failure with the camera.

Thanks again for your time.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21


We've got the same errors here.


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Message 10 of 21