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RoboRio image ver 14 update - lost Dashboard NT tables

We are programming in LabView 2018 which is for FRC 2019.


We have a custom Dashboard which passes setting to the RoborRIo via NT Write and displays info from the RoboRio via NT Read blocks for the WPI Library pallet.  Everything was working fine under RoboRio image ver 12.  We update to image ver 14 and things did not behave properly.  It took a while to figure out what was going on.


The standard Dashboard comes with an indicator (Boolean light) that shows if the NT tables are connected.  After the update they do not connect and do not send/receive data to the RoboRio.  We do occasionally get an error in the Dashboard dialog box that says

ERROR  1003  Open VI Reference in NT>Robot<APPEND>
<b>/home/lvuser/frc/nt_server/NT Server</b>LabVIEW: (Hex 0x3EB) The VI is not executable.  This error may occur because the VI is either broken or contains a subVI that LabVIEW cannot locate. Select <b>File>>Open</b> to open the VI and verify that you can run it.
We get the error when the Dasboard first connects to the robot or if we power cycle the robot, but not when the robot is on and we restart the driver station.
We re-imaged multiple times, but no joy
We started a new project and copied our Team VIs, minus the Robot Main, into the new project, but the error is still there
We started a new project, just the basic template and did not modify anything.  Built the code,deployed, and the error persists.
The Rio has firmware roboRio_6.0.0.cfg
We have also reinstalled it, but still get the error and the NT tables do not connect.
We went backwards to  RoboRio image ver 12  and everything works just fine.
My understanding is that RoboRio image ver 14 is a mandatory update, but it kills our code.
Do we need to update something else?
We are competing in our first event on Friday Mar 8th so we need some serious help please.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hello 3344_Robocopz,


I understand you just see error 1003 after updating to v14. I presume it is due to some component not being updated correctly. Can you please:


  1. Make sure you have the 2019.2 update installed in your laptops (it's important that all computers that are interfacing with the roboRIO have the same version: this includes the computers used to image, program and run the driver station).
  2. Reboot after the installation finishes.
  3. Open the imaging tool and, with the roboRIO connected and powered, image v14.
  4. Open LabVIEW and build your code (using the Build Specification created at the bottom of your project). It's important the code is built again, since some VIs change between versions.
  5.  After the Build Specification is built, please select Run as Startup.
  6. Open the Driver Station and check that the Robot Code comes up (green LED). Make sure you clear the previous errors from the console (using the gear located in the top left of the messages field) so we make sure the problem is happening with the recently deployed code.
  7. Report back if you still see the error.



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Message 2 of 7


    I just want to clarify one point.  You mentioned the 2019.2 update.  I assume that is FRCUpdateSuite_2019.2.0.  I will follow the instructions.  I believe the issue may be that the students updated the RoboRio Imaging tool ONLY and did not complete the entire update.  I will not know until we arrive at competition late tonight, but I will report back then.


Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hello 3344_Robocopz,


That is correct, I am referring to the FRCUpdateSuite_2019.2.0 with roboRIO v14 inside of it. I apologize that was not very clear.


Please fetch for a CSA if these steps don't work for you. They will be faster answering questions than us in the forums.


All the best at your event,

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

No worries. That fixed it.

Everything works fone now except for the Camera woes that we all are having. 


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Thanks for letting us know this helped you, 3344_Robocopz


As you mention, the cameras are known for causing some troubles, so you can find more steps to debug them here: Robot Camera Images Not Appearing in FRC Dashboard


All the best,

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

 I had similar problems, and updating labview to 2019.2.0, updating Roborio to 2019_V14, and making sure I set the robot main VI "enable vision" button ON and making that the default condition worked.


Thanks All

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Message 7 of 7