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Unable to create robot project

Greetings fellow FIRSTers!

My team is stuck at the moment because we're not able to create a robot project from the template at the Getting Started screen. It starts, but when the project is being created we get an error message saying that LabVIEW can't find the Dashboard Datatype.ctl file.

Now, of note here is that our USB stick grew legs and wandered off before anything got installed on the laptop. I was able to download and install all the necessary components (LV2011, RT Module, PID & Fuzzy Logic Toolkit, Vision Development Module, NI-RIO 4.0, Internet Toolkit) on the laptop, along with the LV FRC 2012 update, the Utilities update, etc. So, I think I've got everything installed and activated. But, I still get this error.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

Well you are still missing something.

Can you get a copy of the FRC USB from a nearby team?

To check what you have loaded you can use MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) under Software to see what is all loaded and compare your list to a know good list from another team. Then you might know what you are missing and can try to get it.

I have other NI software loaded so my list will be very different from yours and would not be a good comparison.

But it will be better if you can find your USB or get one from a nearby team.

The first thing I told some teams is before installing the LabVIEW software is to copy the whole USB to the hard drive. Also get some 8G USB sticks and make back up copies of the LabVIEW USB (it takes about 4.03G). Download the 3 updates and add them to USB sticks.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Sounds like you are missing files from the FRC LabVIEW Update. I would start by re-downloading and re-installing that update. It doesn't sound like an activation issue but it would be useful if you posted a screenshot of the local liscenses from NI Liscense Manager.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

What's odd is that I used the same zip file to install the FRC LV update on my laptop and the team's laptop, but the team's laptop has a problem. I'm not saying that it's not worth a re-install on the team laptop, I just don't get it.

I don't have access to another team nearby, looks like I'm on my own sorting this one out in that regard.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

I would make sure when you reinstall that you select to run as administrator (can usually get to this by right clicking on the exe). Some weird stuff can happen if you don't have the proper priviledges.  This is the most likely difference between the two computers.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Do you know if the team laptop default account doesn't have Admin rights? I didn't get any dialogs to that effect during any of the installs that I did, but I don't know (and can't check at the moment) what privileges the account has.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Not sure, you are installing this on the classmate? I think there may be some space issues with the classmate if you don't remove previous software ( Did you reimage the classmate- that seems to be the standard way to get it set up correctly.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Yes, we're installing it on the Classmate. I didn't re-image it, and I don't know if anyone had before I got it.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Do you have previous LabVIEW software installed on the classmate? Is it the E09 or the E11? How much hard drive space do you have available on the classmate?  Most teams install LabVIEW by reimaging the classmate(directions here:

so we won't have many data points on issues you could run into when installing from the web on the classmate.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

When I first got my hands on the laptop, MAX and RIO 4.0 had been installed, and I could see a couple of run-time engines as well. No idea who installed them or when. I also don't know if it's an E09 or an E11.

Again, the USB stick(s) have gone missing, so they're not an option for me at the moment. I have all the software I believe I need on my own flash drive (I had downloaded all of it) so I should be able to go through the re-imaging steps.

My biggest problem is that I don't have the laptop right now, I need to go down to the school and pick it up before I can even try to do anything.

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Message 10 of 11