07-18-2018 12:48 PM
We are setting up a new win 10 laptop to use for development and as a driver station.
The driver station does see the joystick, but does not communicate with the roborio
We have installed the latest NI 2018 FRC update.
We have installed JAVA + Eclipse+ CTR toolkit
The windows defender firewall is disabled as well as real time virus scan.
The roborio has driver code and is fully functional when connected to a different win 10 computer
The driver station on the new disfunctional computer does show the correct team number
The imaging tool does recognize the roborio at
The computer is able to PING the address
The status light on the roborio is dark.
We have spoken on the phone with one of your service techs and she now says this is beyond her experience.
Any thoughts?
07-21-2018 02:28 PM
Hello nphs3863,
I find interesting we can ping the roboRIO, and see it from the imaging too, with just the DS not detecting it correctly. You mention the firewalls and windows defender are off. I believe running the DS as admin can be a good troubleshooting step, too. I have some questions that might help to find where the error is coming from:
All the best,