FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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vision problems

ok im with FIRST team 2503 and we are having big issues with our vision. we had vision working for bit then it stopped. we cant get it to work through the cRIO and get an image or directly from the camera anymore. we are using the rectangle targeting project. we also cant reimage our cRIO anymore. now we get the error code of 44003. i have looked around and none of the solutions for others work. now we got our program to work yesterday but then stopped and we dont know what we did that got it to work. now when i reimage the cRIO but that has a weird ip now i dont know why but i cant get it back to what it should be. if anyone has any ideas on how these problem could be resolved please lend us some help this is out first year with labview and we dont want to program vision in C++ or java.

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Message 1 of 12

I was have I g the same problem, so I started a whole new project and that got it working, have you tried restarting the project or do you believe you are too far along

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Message 2 of 12

um ill have to get our backed up targeting project from one of our mentors computer the next time we see him. and i dont think we are to far along for that since we just started with labview on monday of this week

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Message 3 of 12

Yeah, good and y'all barley started:0...oh well, but yeah I had to restart my program a few times and I got It workin sweetly now.  And also check to see in you can even ping your cRIO's ip address , also make sure ALL of your connections on your robot are all the way in their ports/connections, where you can practically lift up the robot, if you can't then you need to redo them and put them all the way in(also with crimped wires). That was the main problem of mine

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Message 4 of 12

thank you tomorrow that will be one of the first things ill do.

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Message 5 of 12

Just make sure you have your original program backed up ,

And start the new program  and label it "tester" or sething with the date so you know what your messin with

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Message 6 of 12

And your using labview right?

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Message 7 of 12

yes its labview thankfully i get labview more then C C++ or java or i most likely would have left this to freshmen roockies

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Message 8 of 12

i also just figured out that in the wpi cameraissue get vi i have an new error or one i could have from the start but didnt know of. it goes with the http auth sub vi in the vi that says get http/* along with the err(-44003) i would put in a screen pic but sadly that not one of my thinks that i have ever tried to remember how to do.

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Message 9 of 12

Ha hey I'm a freshman!! Haha and well I'll look some stuff up but I won't really know cus I ain't with my labtop

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Message 10 of 12