01-19-2012 03:54 PM
When I run my code on the prototype seeting in LabView it works perfectly however when I try to run it in FTC Game mode it does not work. This birck says "### DISABLED ###" and has NXT/BAT with numbers in the bottom left. Is there something wrong with my code (I generated it from the controller thing) or my brick? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
01-19-2012 04:11 PM
Did you enable the program? Its only an option in the FTC game mode and has to be set in the remote control editor. How are you connected to the NXT brick?
01-19-2012 04:20 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by enable the program. If you mean chose the file in the remote control editor I did. I connected via a usb cable.
01-19-2012 04:23 PM
All I meant is that you selected the program and enabled it (lower right of that same window).
01-19-2012 04:32 PM
Thanks for your help. I selected my TeleOp program from a menue (sorry, the computer with software is at school). So I think that's correct...
01-23-2012 04:02 PM
Hey Justin,
Have you been able to fix the issue you were having running your program?