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OnBoardFiles directory .rxes concerns

The NXTShell, samostat, and Program Chooser .rxes are being pulled in from the directory [ C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\NXT\Subs\OnBoardFiles ]  when you first run the NXT in direct mode. These .rxes are provided by NI and were compiled on 10//25/13.

We  all are experiencing issues with Program Chooser and the FCS ( ). I am now concerned about the samostat behavior.

The compile size for a new deploy of the 'Program' is 5.31 KB, quite different than the one in the \OnBoardFiles directory which is 3.32 KB.

I did a fresh comple for the from the directory [ C:\Program Files (x86)\Samantha Field Control System\Labview ] and the file size was 5.9kb versus the one in the \OnBoard Files directory which is 2.14kb.

Has anyone had issues with a non-working samsostat program?

If these 2 vi's are not up to date, then what is the status of the NXTShell?

Thank You.

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We were just at a 10 team qualifier with 8/10 teams using LabVIEW. The Program Chooser/NXT Shell/samostat from the 'direct target' download all worked fine.

We've also experimented with changing the file in 'Program Chooser' and didn't see any issues. I do have the students back out to the 'software files' menu after running 'Program Chooser' on the NXT.

Not sure that the samostat was ever employed.

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