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teleop controller button no response

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I share your frustration. I recall you saying that you used LVLM 2010 the past 2 years (like we have). Personally, I have not seen 'an increase in the compile speed' as they claim. Now it could be that we have installations that are not 'good'? I know that FIRST said you are 'required to use LVLM 2012' this season. However, there have been no revisions to the FCS (samantha programs v3.06). So, I don't know why the LVLM 2010 wouldn't work with the FCS this season (at least for these early tournaments), until ni can fix this.  I've been active in this forum, and I am finally seeing teams posting in the FTC Forums regarding these serious issues. If 2010 has Matrix support, perhaps FIRST could allow (or recommend) it's use.

The HS755HB is the newly allowable 1/4 scale servo, right? We also plan on trying it out since it has 1/2 the torque of the DC motor, but won't eat up controller space as fast.

I see you're already active in the  thread addressing it ( ).

Some options you might consider before bailing on LV:

  • Do you have the extra motor controller so that you can replace your servo with a DC Motor until you can work out the control of it?
  • Could you replace the 1/4 servo with an appropriately geared standard continuous servo?
  • Do you have a modem configured with the newest FCS to confirm if using the 2010 version would actually be an issue?
  • Could the new 3rd praty vi's for the 1/4 servo be pulled into your 2010 version, thus allowing it's functionality there?

We have our first event Dec 8, and are still waiting on parts to build with! We will likely show up with a modified 2-WD Ranger-Bot if the extra parts don't arrive in time!

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Message 11 of 24

The speed of compiling does increase alot, because in 2010ver i usually need to wait for 10seconds for compiling, but it is only 1 seconds now.

the hs755hb is not a 1/4scale servo, the hs785hb is. hs755hb is only bigger than hs485hb, and the controlling mathode is exactlly same as hs485hb.

since i need a specific position, i cannot replace it with a dc motor.

the problem is: not only 2012, 2010 cannot been use properly,too. so the only methode to get the program on time is change programing software.

i have a cisco E1200 for fcs, and since the samantha didn't updated, i think it is impossible to notice a program that is compilling by 2010.

P.S. I'm a student in China, so we mave more matrix than tetrix, but matrix's controllers is very hard to use. And since the voltage of battery of matrix is only 10.4V, the motor of matrix has about one third of a tetrix motor.

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Message 12 of 24

I understand what you are saying. It's great to hear that I should expect to see a nice increase in the compile speed when we start writing more complex code. However, if you can work effectively with the 2010 version, and obtain permission to use it, then a 10 second wait (versus a 1 second wait) would be tolerable.

Now the servo issue:

It is strange that the servo does not work in 2010 if it is basically the same as the hs485hb. {hs485hb = Producing nearly 84 oz-in of torque power, the 180º Servo is one of the best choices for rugged robotic applications. This servo’s great performance and durability are a combination of karbonite gears, high-performance circuitry, and a ball bearing-supported output shaft. Karbonite gearing is nearly four times stronger than nylon gears and provides virtually wear-free performance. Standard rotational range is 90 degrees, but it can be operated to 180 degrees with controllers capable of generating a pulse range from 600 usec to 2400 usec.}

On our lego website the hs755hb is listed as a 1/4 scale servo {hs755hb = This new Quarter Scale Servo for TETRIX® offers a whopping 183 oz-inches of torque, 180-degree rotation, and superior strength and performance. Perfect for robot builds that require more power and durability. This new servo features Karbonite gears that offer incredible toughness and strength.}

It might be good to check the technical specifications on these servos. I've attached a file showing the 755 details. (I agree they look pretty much the same; identical pulse range)

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Message 13 of 24

the detail of 755 hb is correct. 755hb can only turn 180degree. hs785hb is a 1/4scale servo because it can turn 1260degree. But acturally hs785hb can only work as a continue turning servo.

also, as you see in the picture, hs755hb is controled by the third wire with a impulse signal, so actually hs485hb is same as hs755hb.

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Message 14 of 24


"Who can tell me where can i report a bug?"

I have posted your quote explaining  how 2010 and 2012 LabVIEW compile the same code differently to the most recent 'Known Issues' thread I could find. It was started by an NI Employee, so I hope they will see it on Monday. 

You can view it at the link

Unfortunately this appears to be last years thread, so I've requested ni to make a new 'FTC - LVLM 2012 Known Issues' thread (like FRC has).

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 24

I have already finished my program with robotc, and they works pretty good except a little bit delay.

code program unsually works well, so i will not going to use labview untill NI fixed all the problem in it.

Message 16 of 24

jerry_dcjx wrote:

I have already finished my program with robotc, and they works pretty good except a little bit delay.

code program unsually works well, so i will not going to use labview untill NI fixed all the problem in it.


That's great to hear. A good thing about FTC is that the remote control mapping is super easy to make (regardless of the programming language). and that it is 2 minutes of the game - the most fun part !

I am very excited that 'Block Party' has so many points in autonomy this year - we usually write some complex LabVIEW autonomy. I hope writing that vi goes smoother than teleop has so far. I will keep an eye out for the problems you saw in your LOOP structure, thank you!

I DO hope that NI will address this soon. Even if it's just that FIRST will allow teams to use the 2010 version that will actually work for most team's needs.

Our region is full of teams that use LabVIEW, and I think many are still in build mode (or waiting for parts like us).

Have a GREAT season, and good luck at your event next month!

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 24

Jerry, Mathterizer

Thank you for your pateince and coorporation on this issue. We believe we've found the source of the code gen bug and it is currently being testing by LabVIEW R&D. We will provide a patch as soon as possible to addess this as well as other issues that have been brought to our attention through the forum. This patch will be needed for Mac and PC installations. I will post back on this thread as soon as the patch is avalible.

Thank You


Message 18 of 24
Accepted by topic author jerry_dcjx

Hi everyone,

The updated version of the MINDSTORMS Competition Toolkit for 2013-2014 that Hunter mentioned above has been released and posted here:



Thank you for your patience and please let me know if the issue described in this thread isn't resolved so we can investigate it further.

- Aaron

Message 19 of 24

I have tried the new lvlm tool kit, it fixed most bugs.

but robotc is easier and more safety. so i will not change back to labview for some time.

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Message 20 of 24