03-13-2010 11:04 AM
03-13-2010 12:07 PM
Ray.R wrote:
I seldom visit the Ideas threads.
Ray.R, clearly this is not good! You and all you other heavy-hitters reading this (I know and you know who you are, don't be modest. Let's face it, I know, and you know, you give great advice) need to spend as much time as possible on that board, because the amount of views per post is ridiculously high as compared to the LabVIEW board. There is more benefit from your input on the Idea Exchange since more people are exposed to your "better" ideas and insightful comments.
Same goes for any NI insider who can explain to the outside world what's going on on the inside with these ideas (within the bounds of your non-disclosure contracts, of course).
I speak for myself, I speak for the rest of us using LabVIEW: hang out on the Exchange. If you spend 10 minutes helping some grunt do his homework on the LabVIEW board, you're *maybe* going to get a Kudos and even more *maaaybe* going to get the accepted solution. But spending 10 minutes on the Exchange? You're changing the future of LabVIEW. Coming up with an idea that saves every LabVIEW users 2seconds each day, or makes him have an "aha!" moment of joy from discovering some really cool new feature in the LabVIEW IDE - that's worthwhile.
Yes, the board is sub-par, but for our sakes, deal with it. Laura does such an excellent job bringing the forums up to the community's and NI's standards.
Posting on a board that has a higher exposure to community traffic and a board that is directly influencing some of the future of R&D's efforts? That's leveraging your investment you are making into the LabVIEW community.
03-13-2010 12:24 PM
Ravens Fan wrote:My biggest problem is there is now way to see the latest comments.
Yes, that is very difficult. I have found a few (but obscure!) sorting tricks to find new comments on high-Kudoed posts, but all the rest, it's a brute-force linear visual scan.
I often scan through all the new comments, but as you can see, there are still 118 I cannot find easily:
03-13-2010 02:51 PM
03-13-2010 03:28 PM
JackDunaway wrote:
Ray.R, clearly this is not good! You and all you other heavy-hitters reading this (I know and you know who you are, don't be modest. Let's face it, I know, and you know, you give great advice) need to spend as much time as possible on that board... There is more benefit from your input on the Idea Exchange since more people are exposed to your "better" ideas and insightful comments.
Here's a post by our favorite teddy that I meant to link to earlier. Although you have good reasons ("I have another avenue for feedback that is not open to the public"), I would like to see your ideas publicly - good ideas spur other good ideas.
03-13-2010 05:57 PM
My solution for finding stray "new" messages.
Open up the first page of the ideas exchange. (I think the New ideas thread will work better because it is more likely that new comments are attached to newer ideas.)
I use the Find command in explorer and search for "1 New". Go to next page and do the same, and the next page.
I find that IE8 has a better search mechanism then IE7 because it keeps the search bar open for you between new pages.
This works great if you have only 1 missing message. If you have 2 or more, then it is possible that the missing comments may be "2 New" or "3 New" and more likely the more New messages there are. If you have 6 missing comments, they could all be in one idea that has 6 new. This means you have to search the page for anything from 1 to 6 New. This gets to be a little much. But if you try to keep up on the new comments by way of subscriptions. And work to get the new messages down to 0 on the main board view. It isn't so bad.
03-15-2010 12:56 AM
03-15-2010 11:15 AM
Hi everyone -
I wanted to let you know that I have sent the feedback items that NI has control over along to Todd S. who is managing the LabVIEW Idea Exchange. For the feedback about the idea software itself, I have submitted many of these ideas / bugs to Lithium previously and will submit anything new. I do know that some of the issues are addressed in the next version of the software. For various reasons, I'm not sure when we will do the upgrade but I hope that we can complete it within a few months.
03-15-2010 11:51 AM
That was almost inspirational, Jack.
Humm... okay, maybe I do need to visit the Ideas forum... more regularly.. 🙂
03-16-2010 08:24 AM
Laura F. wrote:Hi everyone -
I wanted to let you know that I have sent the feedback items that NI has control over along to Todd S. who is managing the LabVIEW Idea Exchange. For the feedback about the idea software itself, I have submitted many of these ideas / bugs to Lithium previously and will submit anything new. I do know that some of the issues are addressed in the next version of the software. For various reasons, I'm not sure when we will do the upgrade but I hope that we can complete it within a few months.
Hi Laura,
Could you please start and maintain a locked thread that lists all of the bugs that we have reported and their status and expected fix dates?
This would help keep Lithium honest and also let us know that Lithium is addressing our concerns.
Thank you,