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Rant ON,   Oh open braces too{


Some of you have noticed my "alias" changed from "Jeff Bohrer" to "Jeff(German comma, lowercase thong,German comma) Bohrer"


As a side note the current user search engine still suggests my "alias" with the input of "Jeff Boh" So, this is unchanged!


You ask why? Simple, JeffBohrer Jeff_Bohrer and Jeff-Bohrer are common ways to name variables in text based languages (the NoSpaceLeadingCaps, Underbar_Between_Decorations, Dash-Between-Words naming conventions)  


One of the forums suppliers CANNOT today recognize a space in an alias.  That supplier should embrace a modern programming language (IMHO)  And , I oppose this by getting all ASCII on you all, which is translatable to written text with current technology, not by Baudot code.


I embrace a number of improvements that I believe will aid the community's ability to disseminate knowledge.  I won't look like a C++ variable name.



Rant over}



"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 1 of 5

Power to the people. Maybe we should have a virtual occupy Lithium day Smiley Very Happy

Message 2 of 5

I'm with you Jeff.


reminds me of another old story (Oh not another G-Story from Ben!).


I showed up at the guard staion for a steel mill (in Pitsburgh they are called Still-mills) and signed in. THe guard looked at my signature and pushed the registration log back at me and said "Sign that right!". So I spelled it all out in print to make him happy. It bugged me because who was the guard to judge my signature.


Lithium is a metal that has a low melting point. My experieince with Lithium through the forums has left me with the opinion they are hardly fluid and very inflexible.




PS Did they fix the search enigine yet?

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 3 of 5

The funny part is----


its NOT Lithium that has a problem with spaces

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

@JÞB wrote:

You ask why? Simple, JeffBohrer Jeff_Bohrer and Jeff-Bohrer are common ways to name variables in text based languages (the NoSpaceLeadingCaps, Underbar_Between_Decorations, Dash-Between-Words naming conventions) 

Actually, a more common way is to use lowerCamelCase. So you should be jeffBohrer. You know, little Jeff.

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Message 5 of 5