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Enthusiasts 2

Some of us have been missing the old "Enthusiasts" list. Thanks to Molly et al., we now have better infos (even if sorting is sometimes ackward, with Aaron after Enrique for instance 🙂 ) and we also know that NI is preparing a new list with enhanced functionnalities. But for those (like me) that can’t wait anymore, here is a provisionnal synthetic document.
I apologize for any mistake or omission. If you feel that something should be modified, just do it and post the document again.

There is an annoying bias since some people have been recorded with more than one identity. For instance, Jean-Pierre Drolet was registered 3 times and should score 93 more contributions. RolfK, Kyle V and Bill B appear twice in the new NI “Active members” list. The most terrible thing is that this situation will induce some unbearable uncertainty about the moment when Dennis will cross the “4000 answers” absolute barrier... (before the end of the month), since he also has been registered 3 times, and should score + 9...

Some additionnal comments about the 3 boxes rating (discussed here :
The first metric is “ratings”. The three levels are unnamed, Trusted, and Proven.
To be Proven, you only need to have an average rating over 4.5. Means that you can become “proven” just by asking an interesting question, whatever your contribution to the forum. On another hand, Filipe, Jeremy, and some others, with nearly 1000 answers and over 150 ratings on average, are only “trusted” members, and do not even appear on NI list ! 😞 The idea that Ben, with a score of “only” 4.5, might turn “unproven” is quite seductive... just give him a few more 4 stars... 😄

The second metric is “posts”. The three levels are unnamed, Active and Enthusiastic.
Dennis and Ben are the only two official Enthusiasts. Apparently, 2000 contributions are required to enter the Sanctuary. Even Greg the Great could not reach the beatification level. 😞 Ben took about 4 years to post that much answers. Seems that Ray second mug is on the upper shelf, quite out of his reach... 😉

The third metric is “logins”. The three levels are Member, Regular and Veteran. Don’t know yet if it’s a matter of login number, or connection time, or number of opened pages... Molly, Philip C., Matt F, Robert M and JRA, all from NI, have reached this stage.

Some suggestions : apply a PID strategy to the rating operation :
1/ the “ratings” metric should be a function not only of the average rating, but also of the rating number.
2/ the “posts” metric should be also a function of (answer number)/time;
3/ the “logins” metric should take into account not only the login number, but also the activity. (BTW, the page read parameter is useless since it depends on the number of posts that are displayed on each page).

Thanks to all of you. Without your continuous contribution, Labview would not be the best programming language, whatever the skills of NI engineers !

Have fun and keep wiring !

Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 1 of 225
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 2 of 225
Excellent work CC!


Message 3 of 225
What no second mug!!!!:(
Ray Farmer
Message 4 of 225
Keep smiling Ray, just imagine Ben turning to "unproven"...
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 5 of 225
ROFL!!! 😄

That's a good one Charly!!

Message 6 of 225
Hi CC,

If you are trying to "drive me down the path of the", I do not think it will work. I do not give up that easy!

Rather than try to ignore my weak point, let me acknowledge it.

Yes, I am a marginal performer.

I was blessed that the Exchange conversion happened when it did. A month earlier and Dennis would have been all alone with his 332 classification.

To all of those contributors that helped me "climb out of my hole" let me now express me gratitude. My participation in this Exchange has been enlightening and rewarding.

To those that I have offended let me please express my apologies.

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 7 of 225

You are way up there in our admiration..

VERY Often, you've provided valuable information... Always there to support.
Sorry to hear that you felt like being "in a hole".
I'm not familiar with classifications (332?), but you have our many thanks!!

You deserve many 5 stars buddy!!

Keep up the good work..

Message 8 of 225

what's this about being a "marginal performer"???

NO WAY MAN... You're way above that..

You gotta be kidding!!! 😄

Never consider yourself marginal..

After all... you're "Ben"..

Cheers dude!

Ray (aka JLV)
Message 9 of 225
--- sorry ---

classification 332 got it...
it's too early... (yawn)

Classification means nothing really. Just some extra colors on the screen..
Nice yellow-gold color..

But congrats on being a 332.. That's an achievement upon itself.

Cheers dude!

(I gatta get some coffee... my brain is not yet functional)
Message 10 of 225