03-22-2018 02:35 PM
I was clearing out my spam folder and found e-mails coming from
National Instruments [elert@opensystemsmail.com]
I am not going to go clicking on any of the links in there since I do not know where it came from.
03-22-2018 03:05 PM
Hi Ben,
That does not sound like an official National Instruments email. We will follow up with our IT team internally.
Thanks for letting us know.
03-23-2018 10:02 AM
Ben - could you please forward us a copy of the email you received? community[at]ni[dot]com
03-23-2018 10:58 AM
If I receive another I will do so.
As for the two I did receive "crtl-del" and they are gone.
03-23-2018 12:50 PM
When forwarding to NI, make sure to include all headers if possible. Might be interesting to see where it originated.
What spam system are you using that moved these to the spam folder (gmail?)
03-23-2018 01:06 PM
@altenbach wrote:
When forwarding to NI, make sure to include all headers if possible. Might be interesting to see where it originated.
What spam system are you using that moved these to the spam folder (gmail?)
The one my IT department set up.
"GFI razer" maybe?
03-26-2018 10:03 AM
Found another one in the spam folder.
Look for an e-mail from me with the title;
FW: [SPAM - Header Checking ] - New White Paper: Testing Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles - Domain does not exist
03-26-2018 10:09 AM
03-26-2018 10:25 AM
So was there anything in that e-mail I should have read
03-26-2018 10:27 AM