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LV VI Version in the attachments area?

Find it frustrating at times when I download a VI and find it's saved way newer than what I have on the machine.  I usually attach a VI-Snippet along with the VIs so anyone can see the code...


Possible to throw a little more detail for the file attachments than just teh size?  A version would be nice for VIs (", 16kb, LV2010"), a number of included files would be nice for ZIPs (", 376kb, 6 VIs and 3 other files"), maybe a snippet-version for PNGs...


:dunno  Doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to implement.

Message 1 of 11

Kudos and Me Too, I just do not know what to do anymore...  Smiley Very Happy

Message 2 of 11

I'd even allow the forums to reach out when I log in and grab latest versions if they did it quick- plenty of area below the kudos bar to populate it on a board by board basis-  maybe not too feasable but......


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

@Darin.K wrote:

Kudos and Me Too, I just do not know what to do anymore...  Smiley Very Happy

me too.png

- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

Throwing out a crazy idea...


Dis-allow VI posting to the forum.


It is only a matter of time until every VI attached to the forum will require updating to open it (unless LV changes their practice of drawing a line for support).


I believe that images will be of value much longer than VIs since as long as we can see them (when will png no longer be supported by browsers?).


Attahing zips would be allowed but in that case the uploaded should prompt for the LV version.


The ancillary motivation that drives me is it would stop posts that take the form...





Q: I have a problem trying to do blha blah blah, can you help me?


A: See the attached VI.


Q: Thanks that was great!



Without downloading and reviewing we have no idea what the solution was!


WHen I have been curious enough to down load and check, the example code was abominible.


How can we police the quality of answers if they are veiled from our eyes?


BTW: Doing one of those "here try this" posts is likely NOT to get a Kudos from me since I can not tell if it worked or not.


Just one of my pet peeves so plese forgive the minor rant.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 5 of 11

I think I agree with you, Ben.

With just a bit of tweaking, snippets would be all that is needed ~ take the best bits from the snippet tool and the LAVA Code Capture Tool; and you can upload a future-proof picture, which embeds drag & drop code for instant code sharing


Also, make the tool quicker to find.

- Cheers, Ed
Message 6 of 11

@yenknip wrote:

I think I agree with you, Ben.

With just a bit of tweaking, snippets would be all that is needed ~ take the best bits from the snippet tool and the LAVA Code Capture Tool; and you can upload a future-proof picture, which embeds drag & drop code for instant code sharing


Also, make the tool quicker to find.


You've got me thinking now (Lithium will be sorry)!


Add a required box that ID the LV version when posting attachments and if the version was snippet capable, only allow snippets. For previous versions, images or zips.




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Banning VIs won't be practical, as it doesn't handle cases where you want several files (classes, LLBs, projects, etc.). I think that the suggestion of adding an extra required field if you have attachments of certain types (.vi, .ctl, .zip, .rar, etc.) is the most practical, although I don't see Lithium rushing to add it.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Ben wrote:

Add a required box that ID the LV version when posting attachments

The Jive Communities already (appear to) have server-side detection and indication of LV version. Take altenbach's recent entry to the coding challenge for example - the Community detected the versions, and displays them back to the user (screenshot below). This would be a great feature for the Lithium platform.




Message 9 of 11

Me too, kudoed and tweeted.




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Message 10 of 11