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NI Developer Exchange Wishlist addition.

It would be way cool if the interface AUTOMATICALLY inserted hyperlinks to the spec sheet for NI hardware.

This would make it much easier to answer Q's re:the capabilities of a device.

Just a wish,

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 1 of 137
I think a "convert Example to LV version..." button should be available for all posts that include VI's, .llb's or zips of these types.

All to frequently examples are posted that other readers need converted to another version of LV so they can use the example.

Once a reader punches the button they should prompted for what version they want the example converted too (bad sentence structure).

The Exchange will then convert the example and post a reply to the orignal with the example saved as the new version.

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 2 of 137

Actually, that's a wonderful idea!
Sometimes we "accidently" create an example in the later or latest version and forget to ask which version the person asking for help is using. This would be a great feature.

I'm not sure how the differences / enhancements would be handled in the conversion, though..

Message 3 of 137
A "Please post an example" button would save a lot of time!

If I see a Q where I need code to help, I want to be able to punch the button and have a new pmessage posted (from anonomous) saying,

"Please post an examples that demonstrates the issue".

All to many posts say the above.

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 4 of 137
Excellent idea Ben..

I like the anonymous message as well.
Since it is not an answer it does not get any starts.
Prevents high (or usually low) stars for requesting more info.

Message 5 of 137
Hang with that what versions are being used etc...

Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer
Message 6 of 137
Yes... absolutely.

Maybe the version could be picked by clicking on a radio button located near the "Submit Post".
Message 7 of 137
Did I mention an "Edit My Last Post" feature?

Message 8 of 137
JoeLabView -

I have seen multiple requests for this feature, and I really would love to make it available. The complication with turning it on is that it messes up the mirror between the forums and the newsgroups. If we were to turn it on, there would have to be a small window of opportunity to make edits in order to minimize the synchronization problems.

Would 5 minutes be long enough or not? What is a reasonable time period?

Molly K.
Web Support & Operations Manager
National Instruments
Message 9 of 137
Hi Molly,

5 minutes should be more than enough.

I often re-read my post after pressing the "Submit Post" button and realize that it is either not accurate, or that the html conversion removes anything within two < < > > brackets or some other html filtering.

You could have any of the 2 conditions:

1. must edit within time lapse (example 5 min or less)
2. must edit before someone else posts an answer.

Thanks for the reply,

Message 10 of 137