Ok, so this comes down to "pilot error" and I'm not sure if a Forum-side solution is possible, but here's the issue: Just a few minutes ago, for the 3rd or 4th time in the last few weeks, I lost a long and detailed reply.
I had started writing it in the morning, then got rudely interrupted by my real job for a couple hours. When I returned, I made the mistake of continuing my reply in the browser window that was still open. When it came time to submit, I got an error window that said something about an expired ticket. It said to use the browser's back and refresh buttons. Well that may have "refreshed" my ticket, but it also blanked out my entire reply. I couldn't find any way to retrieve the text.
So I shoulda learned my lesson after the first time or two. When returning to a potentially stale session, copy all the text, refresh the screen, then paste it back if needed.
However, is there any way that the text can be recovered at that error window? It seems that by the time you're informed that your ticket expired, it's too late. But it also seems as though the raw text of the reply would probably have been transmitted during the "preview" or "post" action. Even if the error window simply displayed the reply text, stating that it couldn't actually post it without a valid ticket, it'd at least be possible to copy and recover the text.
Anyhow, between that and a few minutes writing this, I doubt I'll be able to redo that reply, which is a shame because it was a pretty darn good one if I do say so myself.
-Kevin P
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