Let me seconds tst's request.
If you notice other users are already compensating for this by noting who they are replying to (please ignore dangling participal).
This could be partially alieviated by the side-bar option I mentioned in an earlier request.
Now let me ramble re: other random thoughts (I normally answer Q's on Sunday morning with coffee but there don't seem to be any stale Q's that look like fun.)
The "E idea" (where E = a word that starts with "E" and ends in "t" but is not = "Enthusiast")
This could not only be a good way of recognizing our "strong contributors" (read as "E"s) in various areas,
could be an excellent (no not the E-word) method to develop our comunity!
Once we establish our initial set of E's (suggestions on how to do this are open to discusion) they could prowl the Exchange looking for new E's. The E's could then discuss the contributions by the new potetial E's and if three or more E's agree the new becomes a full fledged E!
If someone wanted to be concidered an E they could apply. The current E's in that area would review their answers. Until an applicant has grown into the role of full-fledged-E they could be marked as "E-wanabees". Their high rated answers should be forwarded to the existing E's for review.
This would help the existing E's track Q in their area and make sure questioners are getting the "good stuff".
The E's in an area could put together lists (if they wanted) that would help others become that type of E.
Stop and regroup on the above:
Aside from the changes to the Exchange to support E and E-wanabee applications and identification, all of the contributors go about their activities as they do now!
Next Step "Degrees of E"
Contributors are not done when the become an E in a particular area. They can become multi-disciplinary-E's. So a contributor could be a Performance-E and a GUI-E-wanabee at teh same time. Contributors could become second degree E's when they master two areas, etc.
When a person reaches fith degree E they become a Master E, and after Grand Master E!
The whole scheme mentioned above seems like a big win for everyone. What am I missing?
OK let's pretend this really happens, what are the areas of E possible?
I will list some areas that come to mind.
f)MS Office
g)OS-Wondows (should this have sub-catagories? Access and PowerPoint are rather divers.)
j)OS-Unix (should Unix and Linux be one in the same?)
p)Scripting (this is reserved for future use)
q)Internals (maybe part of Performance)
Please add any I may have missed!
Q to reader: Do you think you could qualify for one of the above ares?
And of course there should be some decorations near the names. I suggest a unique icon for each area of E.
Now the hard part, "Who will be are initial E's?"
How about nominating others?
Who do we send nominations to?
Does 10 nominations sound good to get the E-thing going?
Am I the only person that thinks some of our contributors are E's?
Message Edited by Ben on 03-13-2005 09:25 AM
Message Edited by Ben on 03-13-2005 09:26 AM