03-14-2010 06:03 PM
03-15-2010 12:41 AM
03-15-2010 05:17 AM
03-15-2010 05:51 AM
03-15-2010 08:00 AM
03-15-2010 08:00 AM
"Rank changes "
We iits about time.
Congratulations to all on your long over due recognition.
For a couple of week it will be like switching from the Navy to the Marines with the rank* confusion but eventually we'll figure it out.
* pun intended.
03-15-2010 08:09 AM
03-15-2010 08:31 AM
muks wrote:
The word veteran has been taken out completely. Maybe with all those advancement ni felt nobody can be a veteran......
Muks, that being said, IMO, you can be Veteran, just not an Expert. I miss my old title of Veteran Beginner.
I commend Laura's hard work. The system now relies more on the bars and less on (often) obscure combinations of words, so in that respect, it is simpler.
03-16-2010 04:55 PM
03-17-2010 02:40 AM
Haha, I do like how there are hundreds of posts discussing forum ranks... incentives for helping others. But agreed with all... this is a better system, just need to get used to it. I look forward to also becoming an active participant rather than a member
-------------"One step at a time is good walking"-----------