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Suggestion re subscriptions

While I'm making suggestions, how about making subscriptions auto-expire?


Currently, I get a subscription for every thread I post to, and I also add a subscription to some other threads that look interesting.


Naturally after some time (normally a couple of weeks or so) interest in the thread dies down, and no new posts appear. Instead of having to edit my profile to remove the clutter, it would be good if a subscription were to auto-delete after a period of no activity (2 weeks would be about right). There would also be an tick box option on the "manage subscription" page to make the subscripton "sticky" which would prevent the auto-delete from happening.




Message 1 of 5


auto-delete after a period of no activity (2 weeks would be about right)



I dont completely agree on this. This can be given as an option to the user to enable or disable them on their own intrest.



Message Edited by muks on 08-05-2009 05:15 PM
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

I did suggest that manage subscriptions should have a per-subscription tick box for the auto-delete to be enabled/disabled. Perhaps, additionally, the subscription options of the user profile should have a tick box to select whether subscriptions are created with/without auto-delete enabled.




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Message 3 of 5


There would also be an tick box option on the "manage subscription" page to make the subscripton "sticky" which would prevent the auto-delete from happening.



Hmmmmmm need to pay more attention i suppose.................

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Why are you looking at the subscriptions page at all? Why not just let the system handle it itself as it does today? A thread may be dormant for years and then come back to life. If it's dormant you won't get an email. If it's not, you will.


P.S. As someone who posts (relatively) a lot, for me a feature which is the exact opposite of what you want would probably be more useful - don't send me notifications at first (because I poll the forums), but alert me to replies for old threads which I might miss.

Try to take over the world!
Message 5 of 5