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The LIST 2

@chilly charly wrote:
Christian, I'm not sure that Molly will appreciate this politically uncorrect joke... 😄

I have a question: Is it politically incorrect to correct someone's english?

Try to take over the world!
Message 61 of 205
Great tst !

You just found an efficient way to increase you BreakPoint score !

You are allowed (and welcomed) to chase my mistakes if you promise to post at least one reply/day on the french forum.

Fair bargain ? ;):D
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 62 of 205

chilly charly a écrit:

I've been fired... 😞 I must forget about extra money... just some gold !

Comme on dit par ici: tu as eu ton bleu (lettre de licenciement)

LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

Message 63 of 205
By all means tst, please correct CC's English..  it IS politically correct..
because CC speaks English like une vache qui se liche..
LOL!!  😄
I'd better edit that...  It will only earn me low stars from the CC-man..
So, tst... while on the subject of politically correctness...
Is it politically correct to call you a dude?
Message 64 of 205

@chilly charly wrote:

You are just jalous and bad-humored today.
What about a nice mug.
Ray ? What's your advice ?

another spelling mistake:


And which Ray are you referring to??

Ray (aka JLV) Robot Very Happy

================= CC improve spelling week =================

Message Edited by JoeLabView on 07-12-2005 03:04 PM

Message 65 of 205

JoeLabView wrote:...And which Ray are you referring  to?...

There is only one mug-obsessed Ray... the unique R. Farmer !


Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 66 of 205

Charly, I'm not sure how to say this...






You're blue again...

Are you sure you're alright?

Maybe you should go see a doctor about this...


JLV, you can call me THE Dude (Big Lebowsky, anyone?), since you seem to think I'm jewish ("I'm Shomer Shabbas").

Try to take over the world!
Message 67 of 205

Aaahhhhhhh !

Pleeeeeease Molly,  don't touch this button again  !

Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 68 of 205
Could be excessive: ClimateControl
Turning down the air conditioning will probably help..
Message 69 of 205

JoeLabView wrote:...because CC speaks English like une vache qui se liche..

Tu sais ce qu'elle te dit la vache qui se liche ?
Cher ami, j'apprécie au plus au point vos commentaires raffinés !
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 70 of 205