12-30-2011 10:43 AM
It's the end of the year, so that might be the reason of this oddity, but here is my problem:
I just posted a comment to this thread and returned to my profile page to just realize that somebody had already posted a comment. I went back to the thread and did not find anyhting new, so I went back to my profile...just to discover that a new post had just been added to the thread (and the view count had been incremented).
Long story made short, at each iteration of this procedure, the view count goes up by 1 and the thread keep appearing as updated, when it is not. I tried that on Chrome and IE8, same thing.
The interesting thing is that this does not happen for another thread (I just posted in this one too and repeated the above sequence and did not see the thread update bug happen, however, the view count increases each time I go back to the thread).
To me the thread activity being stuck IS a bug. The view count being incremented each time the original poster displays the thread is debatable. I guess strictly speaking it is the correct behavior and what would be an intersting additional information would be the number of VIEWERS...
01-05-2012 01:04 PM
Is the Feedback forum still monitored by NI? It's my second post without feedback (on "issues" I think are not trivial). I'd rather know if it is dead, so that I won't bother next time...
01-06-2012 09:59 AM
I apologize for the delay. I have not observed this same behavior. Are you still seeing it?
If so, I'll let Lithium know.
01-06-2012 11:42 AM
Yeah, both issues are still here. I am using Chrome on Windows XP.
01-06-2012 12:51 PM
Actually, now there is one more thread that always shows up as having been updated, although that is not actually the case:
01-09-2012 01:08 PM
I am still anable to see the same behavior. Can you post a few screenshots? Is anyone else experiencing this behavior? You mentioned you see this behavior in Chrome and IE. Firefox? I do see the incremented View count, but that makes sense as the page is being re-viewed by me. You do bring up an interesting thought of tracking number of viewers as opposed to just number of views though. That is something I can definitely suggest.
01-09-2012 02:02 PM
Hmm, I think I understood what is happening: for some reason, I must have failed to read ALL the posts in those threads (very likely in the case of the first one I mentioned, as it is 10 pages long, but I was under the impression I had followed the second one quite closely). I can only see that if I click on the "View All" link at the bottom of the panel showing my recent posts:
Then the list that shows up indicates the number of NEW posts. This is a misnomer in the sense that generally those posts can be be anterior to the one you posted, so there are not "new" rather just "unread". I may be mistaken, but in the case of the second thread I mentioned, I think that what I may have not checked out AGAIN is the response that was labeled as "answer" by the original poster (but I thought I did though). It is only when I went through all pages (without reading anything, of course) that the thread lost its "highlighted" status.
Anyhow, here it the suggestions I would have:
- introduce a new "unread" post column (in addition to the "new" one).
- offer an option to "mark thread/topic as read" (so that you don't have to go through 20+ pages of a thread to deactivate it)
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
01-09-2012 08:40 PM
If you right click on the number that shows the number of "new" posts in a thread when you are at the forum page that lists the threads, it takes you to the first unread post in that thread.
01-10-2012 11:56 AM
You probably mean left-click, right? In any case, it still might not be a "new" post, just one that I just happened not to have read...
Note that I did not try Ctrl-Run...yet
01-10-2012 11:40 PM
Yes. Left click will work. I did mean right click because that is usually how I use it. I right click and select open in new window. This let's me keep the master list open, and pick a few different threads to open at once and read. That way I can read one, and the next one is already open by the time I'm ready to read it. I don't have to wait for it to load. And I don't have to keep waiting for the master list to refresh before I pick my next thread to read. Once I've been through a bunch of threads, then I'll refresh the master list to see what I've read and haven't, and if any threads have received new messages in the last few minutes.
I had forgotten about all the Ctrl-Run messages.